I'm trying to get table data from a webpage that needs to be navigated to. I am currently using _IECreate to create an IE object, then using some more code to login to the site. After login is confirmed, I need to navigate to another page and get table data from it.
My code looks like this:
; run login script
The object $oTable appears to be empty, and an object type error is returned.
The messages written into the console are:
oTable =
oTable error = 0--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IETableWriteToArray, $_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType
I'm not entirely sure that the _IENavigate function updates the $oIE object, so that might be a source of problems.
The tables on the navigated page are of the normal html type, beginning with <table id=...>, so I don't think the page syntax is an issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated