Hello to you all,
I wonder, if there's anyone who can give me answer on the question if a SQL query with joined tables does work with adodb and the "open" command
Underneath will work
Local $oRS
Local $oConn
$oConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")
$oRS = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")
$oConn.Open("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=c:\files\data.mdb ;pwd="")
$SQLt_Orders= "SELECT t_Orders.n_OrderNum, t_Orders.OrderDate, t_Orders.n_OrderStatus, t_Orders.n_TotalPrice, t_Orders.n_OrderPriceNet FROM t_Orders"
But if i'm joining fields from another table, I cant get it working in autoit, the sql statement is working properly in access.
Do I need to open all joined tables or do I need to simplify my SQL statement and join tables in auto IT?
Many thanks in advance