I wrote a skript to calculate something and want to align the currency in the MsgBox decimal or right. The output should look like this
10.00 €
100.00 €
1000.00 €
but at the moment it is centered. ;-(
This is the current code-snippet:
$ausgabe =( _
"Der Rabatt beträgt " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($rabatt_prozentsatz, 2)) & " %" &@CRLF& _
"Der Skonto beträgt " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($skonto_prozentsatz, 2)) & " %" &@CRLF& _
"______________________________" &@CRLF& _
"Listeneinkaufspreis " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($listenpreis, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF& _
"- Liefererrabatt " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($rabatt_absolut, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF& _
"= Zieleinkaufspreis " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($zieleinkaufspreis, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF& _
"- Liefererskonto " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($skonto_absolut, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF& _
"= Bareinkaufspreis " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($bareinkaufspreis, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF& _
"+ Bezugskosten " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($bezugskosten, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF& _
"= Bezugspreis " &@TAB&@TAB& StringFormat("%10.2f", Round($bezugspreis, 2)) & " €" &@CRLF)
MsgBox(0, "Rabatt (absolut)", $ausgabe)
Any ideas to get the currency formated?
How to align currency right?