Instead of hijacking the other topic any further, I decided to create a new topic for the discussion of the "Not" operator.
Here is the previous topic for reference:
How is it that this works perfectly (tested and part of one of my toolsets that hundreds of techs use daily):
As we can see, there are no parenthesis there, but it still functions as I expected. This also works as expected, but I feel that the 2 contradict each other:
#include <Constants.au3> Local $vVar = 'SomeTest' ; This expression before Then is Not True, as $vVar = 'SomeTest' evaluates to True, hence Not True. If Not ($vVar = 'SomeTest1') Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '1', 'This MsgBox won''t display, as $vVar = SomeTest.') ; AutoIt looks at this as (Not $vVar) = 'SomeTest'. If Not $vVar = 'SomeTest1' Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '2', 'This MsgBox won''t display, as $vVar = SomeTest.')
In this second example, the MsgBox with title '2' does not launch, proving that parenthesis are a necessary part of the statement. My question is: What it is about my first example script that makes it work differently than the second example by FireFox?