Hi guys,
I have a program that when minimised to task-bar an using WinGetState returns 37. Maximised, enabled and exists?
Using WinSetState ("[CLASS:TfrmDesktop]", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) returns 39. Maximised, enabled and exists and visible?
But will not maximise the window.
However 39 is what it normally is when maximised and using the program
Just using @SW_RESTORE = 7 but does not open window (obviously)
and using @SW_RESTORE then @SW_MAXIMIZE = 39 but then cant minimize.
and using @SW_RESTORE then @SW_MAXIMIZE then @SW_ENABLE = 39 but then cant minimize.
Tried this and nothing WinMove("[CLASS:TfrmDesktop]",0,0,@Desktopwidth, @DesktopHeight)
Really strange as not sure what else to try.
Thanks guys