Using AutoItObject, I cannot make a method with the name 'E3'. The even more bizarre part is when I post the autoit code to this forum, the 'E3' is highlighted in red. See below.
#include <AutoItObject.au3> OnAutoItExitRegister("EvtScriptExit") _AutoItObject_StartUp() Global $o=_AutoItObject_Create() ;BUG: Cannot seem to make a property-type method called E3, other names work however MsgBox(0,'VarGetType($o)',VarGetType($o));checkit ;Change this to false to show the bug Global $make_it_work=True ;#cs If Not $make_it_work Then ;Make an E3 property and backer _AutoItObject_AddProperty($o,'_E3',$ELSCOPE_PUBLIC,'initialized') _AutoItObject_AddMethod($o,'E3','E3_property',False) Else ;Make an F3 property and backer _AutoItObject_AddProperty($o,'_E3',$ELSCOPE_PUBLIC,'initialized') _AutoItObject_AddMethod($o,'F3','E3_property',False); THIS LINE DIFFERS IN NAME ONLY 'F3' EndIf If Not $make_it_work Then MsgBox(0,'$o.E3',$o.E3); ERROR Error in expression at $o.E3 Else MsgBox(0,'$o.F3',$o.F3); Not a problem EndIf Func E3_property($me,$value=-1) If @NumParams==2 Then $me._E3=$value Else Return $me._E3 EndIf EndFunc Func EvtScriptExit() _AutoItObject_Shutdown() EndFunc
Look at the E3 MsgBox line. So what is E3? Is there a ghost in the machine? I must admit, this is a bit freaky man.