the following script cancels because of a autoiterror. the built in error routine says that
the error line is -1 and the windescription is "no such interface supported"
please note this script runs all the time ok and only cancels sometimes. since the script cancels at line -1 i am only including the first part of the script and the error routine.
the error line is -1 and the windescription is "no such interface supported"
please note this script runs all the time ok and only cancels sometimes. since the script cancels at line -1 i am only including the first part of the script and the error routine.
#include <IE.au3> #include <Array.au3> #Include <File.au3> $WshNetwork = Objcreate("WScript.Network") $cpuserid = $WshNetwork.UserName hotkeyset("{f9}","terminate") dim $lenusername, $username, $locblank, $lenlastname, $sSearchString, $sSearchString1 dim $regtype, $tsoind dim $filect, $flertct, $personid, $userid, $ruserid, $firstname, $lastname, $middleinitial dim $typeofemp, $reqtype, $reqtype, $firstowner, $defaultgroup, $useridin, $rebootsw dim $msg, $idx, $idpre, $btext, $returnvalue, $numids, $lastid dim $holdids[10] local $array1[4] $array1[0] = "p" $array1[1] = "q" $array1[2] = "y" $array1[3] = "z" local $array2[7] $array2[0] = "e" $array2[1] = "f" $array2[2] = "g" $array2[3] = "h" $array2[4] = "i" $array2[5] = "n" $array2[6] = "o" local $array3[4] $array3[0] = "c" $array3[1] = "d" $array3[2] = "r" $array3[3] = "s" local $array4[4] $array4[0] = "t" $array4[1] = "u" $array4[2] = "w" $array4[3] = "x" $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") Func MyErrFunc() Msgbox(0,"AutoItCOM Test","We intercepted a COM Error !") $errormsg1 = "error line " & $oMyError.scriptline & @lf $errormsg2 = "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description & @lf $errormsg3 = "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @LF $errormsg = $errormsg1 & $errormsg2 & $errormsg3 msgbox(0,"",$errormsg) exit ;Endfunc