Okay I am trying to build a program to apply my personal theroy about the stock market to in a really fast way and of course doing a little of programming in autoit in my past I thought the easiest way to do this was to make a nice little script in autoit to crank this out. But I have done nothing of the such I just keep getting hung up in different area's. I have already built a program that pulls data from yahoo finance but they dont keep good records and they don't give you quite as much.
SO long story short this is what I have so far I cant seem to get it where I can pull out the price volume and time in a nice way
Plain Text
#include <IE.au3> #Include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include "array.au3" #Include <File.au3> #include <string.au3> #include <INet.au3> $GoogleDataStart = _INetGetSource('https://www.google.com/finance?q=VZ&ei=U4v5UYi1JaSfiQLkqgE') $StartGoogleData = _StringBetween($GoogleDataStart, 'EXCHANGE%3DNYSE', 'corp_actions:') $NextGoogleDataStep = _StringBetween($StartGoogleData[0], ',', ',') $Count = 1 $Time = "9:00AM"; Do $Time = $Count * 2 _ArrayAdd ($Time, $Count); $Count = $Count +1; Until ($Count = 985); _ArrayDisplay ($NextGoogleDataStep);