I have a basic logging function, which when not compiled, also ouputs to scite via consolewrite (simplified the reproduction in the script below)
When the log is called with a failed step, I grab a screen shot of the active window, which somehow seems to cause scite to not 'get' the consolewrite until after the subsequent call to the same function...when I put in hard coded sleeps after the consolewrite, it works fine, but shouldn't a single threaded process not have this as a possibliity?
#include <ScreenCapture.au3> $giSubFunctionCounter = 1 $giMaxLogLevel = 2 $gbDisplayMessage = False $gbDisplayInformMessage = False $gbTerminateOnFailure = False $giLogState_Fail = 0 $giLogState_Pass = 1 $giLogState_Info = 2 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(0,1,"test","details") Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"test","details") Func Var_SetLogAndActOnState3($iCallersStateToLog, $iCallersLogLevel, $sCallersLogCategoryName, $sCallersLogDetails, $bCallersShowUser=Default, $CallersbTerminateOnFailure=Default, $bCallersSaveScreenShotOnFailure=Default, $sCallersScriptAndDir=Default, $sCallersScriptLine=Default) ; Logging If $iCallersLogLevel <= $giMaxLogLevel Then If $bCallersShowUser=Default Then $bCallersShowUser=$gbDisplayMessage If $iCallersStateToLog=$giLogState_Info Then $bCallersShowUser=$gbDisplayInformMessage EndIf If $CallersbTerminateOnFailure=Default Then $CallersbTerminateOnFailure=$gbTerminateOnFailure If $bCallersSaveScreenShotOnFailure=Default Then $bCallersSaveScreenShotOnFailure=True If $sCallersScriptAndDir=Default Then $sCallersScriptAndDir="" If $sCallersScriptLine=Default Then $sCallersScriptLine="" Local $sLogLine, $sPrefix, $sIndentsSpacing, $iSpaces, $iYear=StringRight(@YEAR, 2), $sDateTime = @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & $iYear & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & "." & @MSEC Switch $iCallersStateToLog Case $giLogState_Fail $sPrefix = " A E - " Case $giLogState_Pass $sPrefix = " A W - " Case $giLogState_Info $sPrefix = " A I - " Case Else $sPrefix = " A E - " EndSwitch ; Open file for edits $sCallersLogCategoryName &= ": " ; Add a space for each $giSubFunctionCounter prior $sIndentsSpacing = StringFormat("%" & $giSubFunctionCounter & "s", "") $sCallersLogCategoryName = $sIndentsSpacing & $sCallersLogCategoryName If $giSubFunctionCounter Then $iSpaces = 37 Else $iSpaces = 36 EndIf ; Add a fixed amount of " " to end of string until len at least = $iSpaces (already appending 2 characters above)...improve readability of log file $sCallersLogCategoryName = StringFormat("%-" & $iSpaces & "s", $sCallersLogCategoryName) If $bCallersSaveScreenShotOnFailure And $iCallersStateToLog=$giLogState_Fail Then Global $sScreenShotImgFile = @DesktopDir & "\" & @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & @MSEC & ".jpg" $hwnd = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") If IsHWnd($hwnd) Then $aWinPos = WinGetPos($hwnd) If IsArray($aWinPos) Then If Int($aWinPos[2]) > 100 And Int($aWinPos[3]) > 100 Then _ScreenCapture_Capture($sScreenShotImgFile, Int($aWinPos[0]), Int($aWinPos[1]), Int($aWinPos[0]) + Int($aWinPos[2]), Int($aWinPos[1]) + Int($aWinPos[3])) $sCallersLogDetails = $sCallersLogDetails & "..Screenshot saved=[" & $sScreenShotImgFile & "]." Else $sCallersLogDetails = $sCallersLogDetails & "..Unable to save Screenshot=[ActiveWindowTooSmall]." EndIf Else $sCallersLogDetails = $sCallersLogDetails & "..Unable to save Screenshot=[FailedToGetWinPos]." EndIf Else $sCallersLogDetails = $sCallersLogDetails & "..Unable to save Screenshot=[Can'tGetActiveWindowHandle]." EndIf EndIf $sLogLine=$sDateTime & $sPrefix & $sCallersLogCategoryName & $sCallersLogDetails ; Conditionally consolewrite If Not @Compiled Then If $iCallersStateToLog Then ConsoleWrite($sLogLine & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWriteError($sLogLine & @CRLF) EndIf If StringLen($sCallersScriptAndDir) > 0 Then If StringLen($sCallersScriptLine) > 0 Then $sCallersScriptLine = "(" & $sCallersScriptLine & ",1) : Navigate to script/line" Else $sCallersScriptLine = "(1,1) : Navigate to script/line" EndIf ConsoleWrite($sCallersScriptAndDir & $sCallersScriptLine & @CRLF) EndIf If $bCallersSaveScreenShotOnFailure And $iCallersStateToLog=$giLogState_Fail Then ;~ Sleep(1000) Else ;~ Sleep(10) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Var_SetLogAndActOnState
output (notice the time stamp of the first consolewrite is after the second):
08/01/13 14:28:26.177 A W - test: details
08/01/13 14:28:26.038 A E - test: details..Screenshot saved=[C:\Users\user\Desktop\20130801142826039.jpg].
edit...added a lot more calls, just to see the length of time diff:
Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","START") Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(0,1,"somelongfunctionname","SCREENSHOT!") $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter) $giSubFunctionCounter += 1 Var_SetLogAndActOnState3(1,1,"somelongfunctionname","details" & $giSubFunctionCounter)
08/01/13 14:52:03.964 A W - somelongfunctionname: START 08/01/13 14:52:04.079 A W - somelongfunctionname: details1 08/01/13 14:52:04.079 A W - somelongfunctionname: details2 08/01/13 14:52:04.079 A W - somelongfunctionname: details3 08/01/13 14:52:04.080 A W - somelongfunctionname: details4 08/01/13 14:52:04.080 A W - somelongfunctionname: details5 08/01/13 14:52:04.080 A W - somelongfunctionname: details6 08/01/13 14:52:04.080 A W - somelongfunctionname: details7 08/01/13 14:52:04.080 A W - somelongfunctionname: details8 08/01/13 14:52:04.081 A W - somelongfunctionname: details9 08/01/13 14:52:04.081 A W - somelongfunctionname: details10 08/01/13 14:52:04.081 A W - somelongfunctionname: details11 08/01/13 14:52:04.081 A W - somelongfunctionname: details12 08/01/13 14:52:04.082 A W - somelongfunctionname: details13 08/01/13 14:52:04.082 A W - somelongfunctionname: details14 08/01/13 14:52:04.082 A W - somelongfunctionname: details15 08/01/13 14:52:03.964 A E - somelongfunctionname: SCREENSHOT!..Screenshot saved=[C:\Users\user\Desktop\20130801145203965.jpg]. 08/01/13 14:52:04.082 A W - somelongfunctionname: details16 08/01/13 14:52:04.083 A W - somelongfunctionname: details17 08/01/13 14:52:04.083 A W - somelongfunctionname: details18 08/01/13 14:52:04.083 A W - somelongfunctionname: details19 08/01/13 14:52:04.083 A W - somelongfunctionname: details20 08/01/13 14:52:04.084 A W - somelongfunctionname: details21 08/01/13 14:52:04.084 A W - somelongfunctionname: details22 08/01/13 14:52:04.084 A W - somelongfunctionname: details23 08/01/13 14:52:04.084 A W - somelongfunctionname: details24 08/01/13 14:52:04.085 A W - test: details
Got it...it's the difference between consolewrite and consolewriteerror...since I'm not compiling as a conole exe, made all consolerwrites...solved...but not sure why the two would be so different in output