hi everyone!!
just start the adventure with AutoIt and I have a request to you.
I found on this forum scripts to connect to a client - server, but it is strange with password protection.
I would like to get rid of it, but my knowledge as this moment does not allow me to do this.
could someone help me with this?
just start the adventure with AutoIt and I have a request to you.
I found on this forum scripts to connect to a client - server, but it is strange with password protection.
I would like to get rid of it, but my knowledge as this moment does not allow me to do this.
could someone help me with this?
Global $MAX_SIZE=2*1048576 TCPStartup() Global $pass=InputBox("Security", "Please select a password for connections","" , "*M") If @error Then Exit $file=FileOpenDialog("File to send" , "" ,"All files(*.*)" , 1) If @error Then Exit $size=FileGetSize($file) If $size=0 Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "ERROR" , "Bad file") $name=_file_getname($file) $ip=InputBox("Address" , "ip",@IPAddress1, " M") $_sock=TCPConnect($ip,8081) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16,"Wsa:"&@error , "Unable to connect to the host!") TCPSend($_sock,$pass) ToolTip("Sending pass",0,40) Do $recv=TCPRecv($_sock,1000) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "WSA:"&@error , "Lost connection!") Sleep(1) Until $recv<>"" If StringLeft($recv,2)<>"OK" Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "ERROR" , "Bad password:"&$recv) $recv=StringTrimLeft($recv,2) ToolTip("Authed, waiting" , 0 , 40) If $recv="" Then Do $recv=TCPRecv($_sock,1000) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "WSA:"&@error , "Lost connection!") Sleep(1) Until $recv<>"" EndIf If $recv<>"FILE_DATA" Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "Error" , "Weird!"&@CRLF&"got:'"&$recv&"' from the socket") ToolTip("sending file data" , 0 , 40) TCPSend($_sock,$name&":"&$size) Do $recv=TCPRecv($_sock,1000) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "WSA:"&@error , "Lost connection!") Sleep(1) Until $recv<>"" If $recv<>"START_UL" Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "ERROR" , "weird!, got:"&$recv&" from the socket") ToolTip("sending file!",0,40) $return=False $fhandle=FileOpen($file,16) $bytes=0 While Not $return $data=FileRead($fhandle,$MAX_SIZE) If @error Then $return=True $bytes+=TCPSend($_sock,$data) ToolTip(Round($bytes*100/$size,2)&"%",0,40) WEnd FileClose($fhandle) Func _file_getname($file) $reg=StringRegExp($file,"(.)+\\((.)+)?",3) If Not IsArray($reg) Then Return $file If UBound($reg)<2 Then Exit MsgBox(16 , @error , "you can't send dirs!") Return $reg[1] EndFunc
TCPStartup() Opt("TrayIconDebug" , 1) Global $MAX_SIZE=4*1048576;1 meg Global $TRUSTED=False Global $SAVE_DIR=@ScriptDir&"\recv" $_L_SOCK=TCPListen(@IPAddress1,8081) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "WSA:"&@error , "Unable to hook port!") Global $pass=InputBox("Security", "Please select a password for connections","" , "*M") _listen() Func _listen() ToolTip("listening" , 0 , 0) While 1 $_tcp_acc=TCPAccept($_L_SOCK) If $_tcp_acc<>-1 Then _start_recv($_tcp_acc) EndIf Sleep(1) WEnd EndFunc Func _start_recv($_sock) While True $_recv=TCPRecv($_sock,$MAX_SIZE) If @error Then Return If $_recv<>"" Then If Not $TRUSTED Then If Not auth($_sock,$_recv) Then Return TCPCloseSocket($_sock) EndIf EndIf If $TRUSTED Then $file=_get_file_data($_sock) If @error Then $TRUSTED=False Return EndIf $location=FileSaveDialog("Save "&$file[0],$SAVE_DIR,"Files(*."&_get_ext($file[0])&")",16,$file[0]) If @error Then $TRUSTED=False Return TCPCloseSocket($_sock) EndIf $fhandle=FileOpen($location,18) _start_download($_sock) Local $downloading=True,$bytes=0 While $downloading $_data=TCPRecv($_sock,$MAX_SIZE,1) If @error Then FileClose($fhandle) FileDelete($location) $TRUSTED=False Return EndIf $bytes+=BinaryLen($_data) FileWrite($fhandle,$_data) If $bytes=$file[1] Then $downloading=False ToolTip(Round($bytes*100/$file[1],2)&"%",0,0) WEnd TCPSend($_sock,"GOT_IT") ToolTip("done!" , 0 , 0) FileClose($fhandle) TCPCloseSocket($_sock) $TRUSTED=False EndIf Sleep(1) WEnd EndFunc Func auth($_sock,$_data) If $_data<>$pass Then ToolTip("sender has sent bad pass!",0,0) TCPSend($_sock,"BAD_PASS") Return 0 Else TCPSend($_sock,"OK") ToolTip("sender has sent good pass!",0,0) $TRUSTED=True Return 1 EndIf EndFunc Func _get_ext($file) $reg=StringRegExp($file,"(.)+\.((.)+)?",3) If Not IsArray($reg) Then Exit MsgBox(16 , "Error" , "Bad file name: "&$file) if UBound($reg)<2 Then Exit MsgBox(16 ,"Error" , "Bad file name: "&$file) Return $reg[1] EndFunc Func _start_download($_sock) TCPSend($_sock,"START_UL") EndFunc Func _get_file_data($_sock) TCPSend($_sock,"FILE_DATA") ToolTip("getting file data!" , 0 , 0) Local $_recv="",$data[2] Do $_recv=TCPRecv($_sock,1000) If @error Then Return SetError(2) Sleep(1) Until $_recv<>"" $_data=StringSplit($_recv,":") If $_data[0]<2 Then Return SetError(1) $data[0]=$_data[1] $data[1]=$_data[2] ToolTip("") Return $data EndFunc