I am new to autoit and I am trying to create a function that uses a variable for the location and name of a .msi file to install, but I can't seem to get quotes or syntax correct and was wonder if anyone could provide some help.
Here is the function I am trying to write:
EDIT: Seem to have it installing now but still working on getting the log file
Thanks for the help
I am new to autoit and I am trying to create a function that uses a variable for the location and name of a .msi file to install, but I can't seem to get quotes or syntax correct and was wonder if anyone could provide some help.
Here is the function I am trying to write:
Func _msi($msi) ;==> this uses the .msi specified and installs it then creates a log file for the install RunWait('msiexec.exe /i ' & $msi & ' /qb /lv* "C:"' & $msi & ".log") EndFunc
EDIT: Seem to have it installing now but still working on getting the log file
Func _MSI($msi) ;==> function to install .msi ShellExecuteWait($msi,'/qb') EndFunc _MSI("C:TempAdobeAir.msi")
Thanks for the help