I've looked at the helpfile and searched around, but I guess I can't grasp the concept. I have an android rooting program. Trying to add new features. Now I'm stuck.
This is how $sideload is set as.
$sideload = "adb.exe sideload"
$CMD2 is set up as $CMD2 ="adb.exe sideload"
$CMD3 is set up as $CMD3 = "fastboot.exe flash recovery"
I have adb.exe and fastboot.exe in the \data\ folder.
When I click Yes, I see my msgbox. I hit ok and then the open dialog pops up and I can choose a zip file. When I hit ok, nothing happens. Nothing happens if I hit no or cancel.
It's been bugging me and I can't seem to solve it.
[ autoit ]
Case "ADB Sideload a ROM" $sideload = MsgBox(3, "Pushing ROM to ADB Sideload...", "This will push your ROM as an ADB Sideload. Your phone must be in recovery. Is it in recovery?") If $sideload = 6 Then MsgBox(0, "Sideloading ROM...", "Please select ADB Sideload in recovery so we can sideload the ROM") $message= "choose ROM to sideload" $file1 = FileOpenDialog($message, @WindowsDir & "\", "Zip file(*.zip)",1+4) Run('cmd.exe' & @ComSpec & '" /k ' & $CMD2 & $file1, "\data\", @SW_SHOW) ElseIf $sideload = 7 Then RunWait($CMD3, @ScriptDir & "\data\", @SW_SHOW) MsgBox(0, "Rebooting into recovery...", "We are going to boot into recovery. Please select ADB Sideload in recovery so we can sideload the ROM") ElseIf $sideload = 2 Then ExitLoop EndIf
This is how $sideload is set as.
$sideload = "adb.exe sideload"
$CMD2 is set up as $CMD2 ="adb.exe sideload"
$CMD3 is set up as $CMD3 = "fastboot.exe flash recovery"
I have adb.exe and fastboot.exe in the \data\ folder.
When I click Yes, I see my msgbox. I hit ok and then the open dialog pops up and I can choose a zip file. When I hit ok, nothing happens. Nothing happens if I hit no or cancel.
It's been bugging me and I can't seem to solve it.