Hello everyone, if someone could please help me with this, I would really appreciate it. I am trying to write a very, very simply script, but having trouble figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I imagine I could figure it out... eventually, but searching the forums and trying different example is cumbersome.
All I want to do is make a script that gives me a simple, custom mapped hotkey. Here is what I want the script to do...
1. Run script
2. Run indefinitely and do nothing unless hotkey is pressed
3. Click a location on the screen when hotkey is pressed
4. Continue to run, and respond to the hotkey
Really simple right? I would have thought so.
Here is the state of the code as it is now, please forgive how rough and simple it is, I am a TOTAL noob at AutoIt.
So the results I've had so far...
At first, I had the doubleclick() function inside the While loop, and that caused an infinite loop of my mouse being stuck at the coordinate, double clicking, and forcing me to log out to stop the script.
Also, I never pressed the "Space" button, which I thought is the hotkey that I specified to call the doubleclick() fuction. The doubleclick() the runs as soon as I start the script, never waiting or responding to the hotkey.
What am I doing wrong here?
I tried to go and mess around with IsPressed, but the code doesn't seem to exist in my library. Typing _ispressed, does nothing and shows up as black, plain text.
Anyone help?
All I want to do is make a script that gives me a simple, custom mapped hotkey. Here is what I want the script to do...
1. Run script
2. Run indefinitely and do nothing unless hotkey is pressed
3. Click a location on the screen when hotkey is pressed
4. Continue to run, and respond to the hotkey
Really simple right? I would have thought so.
Here is the state of the code as it is now, please forgive how rough and simple it is, I am a TOTAL noob at AutoIt.
#include <Misc.au3> HotKeySet ( "{ESC}", Terminate() ) HotKeySet ( "{Space}" , doubleclick() ) While 1 If WEnd Func doubleclick() Mouseclick ( "left" , 885, 528 , 2 ) EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc
So the results I've had so far...
At first, I had the doubleclick() function inside the While loop, and that caused an infinite loop of my mouse being stuck at the coordinate, double clicking, and forcing me to log out to stop the script.
Also, I never pressed the "Space" button, which I thought is the hotkey that I specified to call the doubleclick() fuction. The doubleclick() the runs as soon as I start the script, never waiting or responding to the hotkey.
What am I doing wrong here?
I tried to go and mess around with IsPressed, but the code doesn't seem to exist in my library. Typing _ispressed, does nothing and shows up as black, plain text.
Anyone help?