I'm new to autoit and can you tell me how to let a user write a message and then save it to a file
this is what i've coded so far and its working fine but its not suitable for a longer message with multiple lines
can you tell me how can i do that
thank you![:idiot:]()
this is what i've coded so far and its working fine but its not suitable for a longer message with multiple lines
can you tell me how can i do that
thank you
#include <File.au3> $var = "msg.txt" $num = InputBox("email address", "please enter your email address", "r2dak@exmaple.com", "",270,130) $txt= InputBox("write your text ", "Write your Message", "your text here", "",270,130) _FileWriteToLine($var, 1, "name: " & $num , 1) ;_FileWriteToLine($var, 13, "Date:" & $dnt , 1) _FileWriteToLine($var, 2, "msg :" & $txt , 1) MsgBox(64, "Thank you","thanks we will respond soon")