Is there a way to suppress/consume an IE confirmation messages?
When I click a <label> element on our internal website, a confirmation message is produced asking for confirmation from the user to delete the record. This message is modal, so until I manually close the message, my script is paused.
Edit: Or, is there a way to pass an IE dom object to another script, so it may perform the click?
Edit: Or (num2), is there a way to translate the 'uniqueid' back to the dom object through the _ie functions? $s = _IEPropertyGet($oCell,"uniqueid")
Short reproducer...notice that the msgbox will not display until you close the confirmation:
When I click a <label> element on our internal website, a confirmation message is produced asking for confirmation from the user to delete the record. This message is modal, so until I manually close the message, my script is paused.
Edit: Or, is there a way to pass an IE dom object to another script, so it may perform the click?
[ autoit ]
Edit: Or (num2), is there a way to translate the 'uniqueid' back to the dom object through the _ie functions? $s = _IEPropertyGet($oCell,"uniqueid")
Short reproducer...notice that the msgbox will not display until you close the confirmation:
[ autoit ]
#include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate () $sForm = "<form>" & @CRLF & _ "<input type=""button"" value=""Press to Confirm""" & @CRLF & _ "onclick=""confirm( 'Did you fill out a 27B/6?' )"">" & @CRLF & _ "</form>" _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE, $sForm) $oDoc = _IEDocGetObj($oIE) $oCol = $oDoc.getElementsByTagName("input") For $oInput In $oCol ConsoleWrite ($oInput.outerhtml & @CRLF) _IEAction ($oInput, "click") ConsoleWrite ("message from webpage was closed" & @CRLF) Next MsgBox(1,1,$sForm) $oIE.quit