I have a following autoit script which works fine for me.
Here I have used autoit functions. Instead of using autoit functions like WinExists, ControlSetText, ControlClick and MsgBox
I want to use only functions from the _WinAPI_ UDFs
Can anybody help me?
I have a following autoit script which works fine for me.
$title = "Open" $file = "C:\temp\mylogfile.txt" If WinExists($title) Then ControlSetText($title,"","[CLASS:Edit;]",$file) ControlClick($title, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:&Open;]") Else MsgBox(0,"Upload Error", "Window not found", 2) EndIf
Here I have used autoit functions. Instead of using autoit functions like WinExists, ControlSetText, ControlClick and MsgBox
I want to use only functions from the _WinAPI_ UDFs
Can anybody help me?