Alright, so I found this tutorial the other day, that walks through remapping the capslock key to another key. I jumped on it, seeing how lapscock is probably the most useless key on the face fo the planet nowadays. I also realized i could map it to another key, such as numpaddot, and use it as a macro key
The problem is this: I want to use it as an AutoIt hotkey without making it another key on the keyboard: I want to assign it an "imaginary" key (like F13) and then be able to HotKeySet("{F13}"). Are there any keys not on a physical keyboard, that there exist AutoIt {keys} for? Or is there any way to use HotKeySet() with an "imaginary" key
The problem is this: I want to use it as an AutoIt hotkey without making it another key on the keyboard: I want to assign it an "imaginary" key (like F13) and then be able to HotKeySet("{F13}"). Are there any keys not on a physical keyboard, that there exist AutoIt {keys} for? Or is there any way to use HotKeySet() with an "imaginary" key