Hello Guys,
I am new in AutoIT scripting. I find it very cool, efficient and time saving. I am a QA Engineer trying to automate most of the routine tasks I run on a daily basis. The company I work with is using HTMLayout for building the GUI for their software, thus my problem. I was only able to automate tasks based on mouse coords like:
I would very much like to know if it possible to somehow see the controls on HTMLayout GUIs, the text and the hidden text using AutoIT Window Info and use them in my scripts. e.g. click a button instead of clicking on the mouse coords of that button.
At the moment, if I drag and drop the finder tool over my form I only get the title and the class name. No controls, no text.
Thank you for your help! It is much appreciated.
I am new in AutoIT scripting. I find it very cool, efficient and time saving. I am a QA Engineer trying to automate most of the routine tasks I run on a daily basis. The company I work with is using HTMLayout for building the GUI for their software, thus my problem. I was only able to automate tasks based on mouse coords like:
MouseClick("left", 120, 127)
I would very much like to know if it possible to somehow see the controls on HTMLayout GUIs, the text and the hidden text using AutoIT Window Info and use them in my scripts. e.g. click a button instead of clicking on the mouse coords of that button.
At the moment, if I drag and drop the finder tool over my form I only get the title and the class name. No controls, no text.
>>>> Window <<<< Title: Dashboard Class: securitydashboard Position: 580, 265 Size: 760, 510 Style: 0x960A000C ExStyle: 0x00050000 Handle: 0x00000000000806FC >>>> Control <<<< Class: Instance: ClassnameNN: Name: Advanced (Class): ID: Text: Position: Size: ControlClick Coords: Style: ExStyle: Handle: >>>> Mouse <<<< Position: 1303, 280 Cursor ID: 0 Color: 0xFEFEFE >>>> StatusBar <<<< >>>> ToolsBar <<<< >>>> Visible Text <<<< >>>> Hidden Text <<<<
Thank you for your help! It is much appreciated.