Hello fellow members,
Today I finally took the time to get into memory reading using AutoIT, but for some reason I keep getting a 0 value as result.
Since I thought I probably did something wrong I decided to watch a tutorial and did exactly what the guy in the video did, but I kept getting the 0 value.
I'm actually starting to believe that it's OS related, since I use windows 8.
This is the script I tried:
If anyone experienced the same issue and found a fix for this I would really appreciate if you could share it![:D]()
Thanks in advance,
Today I finally took the time to get into memory reading using AutoIT, but for some reason I keep getting a 0 value as result.
Since I thought I probably did something wrong I decided to watch a tutorial and did exactly what the guy in the video did, but I kept getting the 0 value.
I'm actually starting to believe that it's OS related, since I use windows 8.
This is the script I tried:
[ autoit ]
#include <NomadMemory.au3> ;because you need this for _memread functions $Address = 0x00690380 Dim $Offset[2] = [0, 0x0] while 1 $Process = _MemoryOpen(ProcessExists('Tutorial-i386.exe')) If Not @error Then $Value = _MemoryPointerRead($Address, $Process, $Offset) If Not @error Then ToolTip($Value[1],0,0) _MemoryClose($Process) EndIf Sleep(100) WEnd
If anyone experienced the same issue and found a fix for this I would really appreciate if you could share it
Thanks in advance,