the only thing NOT working in this script is the FileCopy command, 4 lines from the end.
This was working 2 hours ago, now, nothing. any ideas come to mind.
This was working 2 hours ago, now, nothing. any ideas come to mind.
[ autoit ]
#include #include ; open DAW1 promos folder ShellExecute ("\\\Incoming Projects DAW1\Promos\Open PM") ;open DAW3 promos folder ShellExecute ("C:\Documents and Settings\sebrad\Desktop\Open PM3") Local $source = "\\\Incoming Projects DAW1\Promos\Open PM\" Local $dest = "C:\Documents and Settings\sebrad\Desktop\Open PM3\" ;1 list all folders in the DAW1 promos folder Local $FileList = _FileListToArray("\\\Incoming Projects DAW1\Promos\Open PM") ;2 cycle through the EXPORTS folders, get name and make folder For $i = 1 To $FileList[0] ;the [0] element holds the count If StringInStr($FileList[$i], "EXPORTS") Then ;Does the folder name contain the string "EXPORTS"? Local $export_folder_name = $FileList[$i] DirCreate ( $dest & $export_folder_name ) ;2 end cycle through the EXPORTS folders, get name and make folder ;3 open the newly created export folder ShellExecute ($dest & $export_folder_name) ;4 place and size the newly created EXPORT Folders IF StringInStr ($export_folder_name, "OPEN EXPORTS") then WinActivate ( $export_folder_name ) WinMove ( $export_folder_name,"",50,100,400,500) ElseIf StringInStr ($export_folder_name, "NDP EXPORTS") then WinActivate ( $export_folder_name ) WinMove ( $export_folder_name,"",470,100,400,500) ElseIf StringInStr ($export_folder_name, "BUMPER EXPORTS") then WinActivate ( $export_folder_name ) WinMove ($export_folder_name,"",890,100,400,500) EndIf ;4 end place and size the newly created EXPORT Folders ;5 copy all folder contents to destination Local $FileList2 = _FileListToArray($source & $export_folder_name) MsgBox(8192, "Files", $FileList2) FileCopy ( $FileList2, $dest & $export_folder_name) ;5 end copy all folder contents to destination EndIf Next