Hi all,
While running my script under UAC off everything runs fine like it should, but with UAC turned on (max) i get:
My script: (its pretty early into the script but i cut a few things out)
The _Aapjuh_CheckDate() function doesn't get called from within other functions and is completely standalone, none of the var's are used elsewhere except for "$RightDir" which just points to a directory.
the log does not exist yet so goes through the next function and then back to _Aapjuh_CheckDate():
i dont know if the error happens before or after it goes through _Aapjuh_MakeLog().
How can i solve this? and wuts with the UAC being involved somehow..
thanks in advance,
While running my script under UAC off everything runs fine like it should, but with UAC turned on (max) i get:
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\date.au3 (470) : ==> Recursion level has been exceeded - AutoIt will quit to prevent stack overflow.: Local $iNumDays = _DaysInMonth($asDatePart[1])
My script: (its pretty early into the script but i cut a few things out)
#include <date.au3> ;Check Date* Func _Aapjuh_CheckDate() Global $ToDay = _DateToDayValue(@YEAR,@MON,@MDAY) Global $ToDayDate = @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY Global $ToDayTime = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC If FileExists($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt") Then Dim $Year, $Month, $Day Global $WeekAgo = _DayValueToDate($ToDay-7, $Year, $Month, $Day) Global $LogDate = FileGetTime($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt", 0) Global $LogDateValue = $LogDate[0] & "/" & $LogDate[1] & "/" & $LogDate[2] If @WDAY = 01 Then If $ToDayDate = $LogDateValue Then Exit 0 Else _Aapjuh_CheckFiles() Endif ElseIf @WDAY > 01 Then If $LogDateValue < $WeekAgo Then _Aapjuh_CheckFiles() Else Exit 0 EndIf EndIf ElseIf not FileExists($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt") Then _Aapjuh_MakeLog() EndIf EndFunc
The _Aapjuh_CheckDate() function doesn't get called from within other functions and is completely standalone, none of the var's are used elsewhere except for "$RightDir" which just points to a directory.
the log does not exist yet so goes through the next function and then back to _Aapjuh_CheckDate():
;Making log file* Func _Aapjuh_MakeLog() If not FileExists($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt") Then If FileExists("C:\Aapjuh-Log.txt") Then FileMove("C:\Aapjuh-Log.txt", $RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt", 9) Else FileWriteLine($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt", "***Aapjuh-Prog***" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Created by: 'Aapjuh' and 'Tigo_007'" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Special Thanks To: 'The creators of AutoIt' and 'The AutoIt community'" & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & "***Log:***") FileClose($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt") FileSetTime($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt", "20031101" ,0) FileSetTime($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt", "20031101" ,1) FileSetTime($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt", "20031101" ,2) EndIf _Aapjuh_CheckDate() ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------it calls the above function here again ElseIf FileExists($RightDir & "\Aapjuh Prog\Aapjuh-Log.txt") Then Sleep(100) Else _Aapjuh_ErrorMsgBox() _Aapjuh_ErrorLogMakingLog() EndIf EndFunc
i dont know if the error happens before or after it goes through _Aapjuh_MakeLog().
How can i solve this? and wuts with the UAC being involved somehow..
thanks in advance,