hi i'm trying to put the results of a port scan in a editbox no luck tho trying to use GUICtrlSetData($scannn,$port & " - Unable to connect - Wrong Address." & @CRLF)) dose not seem to want to put the results in the editbox i no i dont have it right sorry about my elglish
so what i'm asking is how do i put scan results into editbox having the hardest time
so what i'm asking is how do i put scan results into editbox having the hardest time
Opt("TCPTimeout",1) $SocketIP = "" $socketportstart = 1 $socketportend = 65535 TCPStartup() For $port = $socketportstart To $socketportend $socket = TCPConnect($SocketIP,$port) Switch $socket Case -1 Switch @error Case 1 GUICtrlSetData($scannn,$port & " - Unable to connect - Wrong Address." & @CRLF)) Case 2 GUICtrlSetData($scannn,$port & " - Unable to connect - Wrong Port." & @CRLF)) Case Else GUICtrlSetData($scannn,$port & " - Unable to connect." & @CRLF) EndSwitch Case Else TCPCloseSocket($socket) GUICtrlSetData($scannn,$port , " - Success!" & @CRLF)) EndSwitch Next TCPShutdown()