As will become obvious I don't know much about what I'm looking at here; I've been trying to get a script to work with a page that has the following body:
<BODY BACKGROUND="bluepa1.gif">
<table border=0>
<tr><td align=center valign=top><a href="">
<img src="tractor.gif" border=0><h5> Return to main menu</h5></a></td>
<td><center><h1>SIDA - Delete or Update IDs</h1></center></td></tr>
<form method="GET" action="/cdssida.wrkexec" onsubmit = "return TestUser()">
<td><strong>Update/change date info for </strong>
<input type=TEXT name="ACQUSER" value = "" size=8 maxlength=8 >
<input type=SUBMIT value = "Update" name= "ACQUIRE" >
<input type=hidden name=PAGENAME value=SIDAMAIN>
<input type=hidden name="ACQUIRE" value = 'Update'>
I have a csv file from which I want to paste values into the ACQUSER field and submit it within a loop.
I can launch IE , read the file into an array and display the content on screen but I can't see what I should use for the form name when I try work with the ACQUSER field using _IEFormGetObjByName _IEFormElementGetObjByName!
I tried using _IEGetObjByName I get datatype errors for that too. I'm really not sure what the correct approach/library function to use in the above, any pointers appreciated...
<BODY BACKGROUND="bluepa1.gif">
<table border=0>
<tr><td align=center valign=top><a href="">
<img src="tractor.gif" border=0><h5> Return to main menu</h5></a></td>
<td><center><h1>SIDA - Delete or Update IDs</h1></center></td></tr>
<form method="GET" action="/cdssida.wrkexec" onsubmit = "return TestUser()">
<td><strong>Update/change date info for </strong>
<input type=TEXT name="ACQUSER" value = "" size=8 maxlength=8 >
<input type=SUBMIT value = "Update" name= "ACQUIRE" >
<input type=hidden name=PAGENAME value=SIDAMAIN>
<input type=hidden name="ACQUIRE" value = 'Update'>
I have a csv file from which I want to paste values into the ACQUSER field and submit it within a loop.
I can launch IE , read the file into an array and display the content on screen but I can't see what I should use for the form name when I try work with the ACQUSER field using _IEFormGetObjByName _IEFormElementGetObjByName!
I tried using _IEGetObjByName I get datatype errors for that too. I'm really not sure what the correct approach/library function to use in the above, any pointers appreciated...