The code below will run Robocopy without the Windows Command Shell and aggregate all three backups into one log file with the use of the carets (>).
A single caret creates a new log. Double carets append to the log.
If using single carets with the same log name, only the last backup will be logged as it'll be overwritted with each reiteration.
If different log names are used with each backup, there'll be three separate logs when using single carets throughout.
All three backups aggregated into on log file
> backup.log
>> backup.log
>> backup.log
Individual log files
> backup1.log
> backup2.log
> backup3.log
Best to use short file names with robocopy.
Help -> FileGetShortName
Robocopy is installed with Windows 7, can't speak for XP.
A single caret creates a new log. Double carets append to the log.
If using single carets with the same log name, only the last backup will be logged as it'll be overwritted with each reiteration.
If different log names are used with each backup, there'll be three separate logs when using single carets throughout.
All three backups aggregated into on log file
> backup.log
>> backup.log
>> backup.log
Individual log files
> backup1.log
> backup2.log
> backup3.log
Best to use short file names with robocopy.
Help -> FileGetShortName
Robocopy is installed with Windows 7, can't speak for XP.
[ autoit ]
Dim $aArray[3] $aArray[0]="robocopy C:\PROGRA~1\ABC\Data\Archive E:\Backups\ABC /MIR /W:5 /FFT /Z /NP > ""C:\Apps\Backups\Logs\ABC Backup.log""" $aArray[1]="robocopy C:\PROGRA~1\ABC\Data\Archive C:\Backups\ABC /MIR /W:5 /FFT /Z /NP >> ""C:\Apps\Backups\Logs\ABC Backup.log""" $aArray[2]="robocopy C:\Apps\Utils E:\Apps\Utils /MIR /W:5 /FFT /Z /NP >> ""C:\Backups\Logs\ABC Backup.log""" FOR $locA IN $aArray Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $locA, @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) ProcessWaitClose("cmd.exe") Next