I am trying to communicate with udp server. Problem is that my script never receives answer from server. At first I thought packet must be invalid but after playing around with Wireshark I figured that server actually responds but my script never shows that. Anyone got suggestions/ideas about what might cause this.
I am trying to communicate with udp server. Problem is that my script never receives answer from server. At first I thought packet must be invalid but after playing around with Wireshark I figured that server actually responds but my script never shows that. Anyone got suggestions/ideas about what might cause this.
[ autoit ]
; Start The UDP Services ;============================================== UDPStartup() ; Register the cleanup function. OnAutoItExitRegister("Cleanup") ; Open a "SOCKET" ;============================================== Local $socket = UDPOpen("", 1234) If @error <> 0 Then Exit Local $n = 0 UDPSend($socket,binary("0xAC152D0A")) While 1 Local $data = UDPRecv($socket, 4096) If @error Then Exit If $data <> "" Then ConsoleWrite(Binary($data)&@CRLF) EndIf WEnd Func Cleanup() UDPCloseSocket($socket) UDPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>Cleanup