<p>Ok, so i found this script and i have some questions
As you see it saves the .mp3 url(URL1) after that it tabs and saves the URL of the page (URL2). Is it possible to save the Page Title istead of URL2 ?
[ autoit ]
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Author: AcidicChip <acidicchip@acidicchip.com> ; ; Script Name: Web Media Spider ; Script Version: 0.21 ; ; Script Function: ; Spider the web and gather media file URLs ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> Dim $collected[1] Dim $urls[1] Dim $urlon = 0 Dim $urlnum = 0 Dim $imagenum = 0 Dim $audionum = 0 Dim $videonum = 0 #region "GUI" GUICreate("Media Spider", 600, 100) $lblAction = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Action:", 0, 3, 35, 20) $txtAction = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 0, 560, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtAction, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblURL = GUICtrlCreateLabel("URL:", 0, 23, 35, 20) $txtURL = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 20, 560, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtURL, $GUI_DISABLE) $prgPercent = GUICtrlCreateProgress(0, 40, 560, 20) $txtPercent = GUICtrlCreateInput("0%", 560, 40, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtPercent, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblURLs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("URLs:", 0, 63, 35, 20) $txtURLs = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 40, 60, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtURLs, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblAudio = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Audio:", 125, 63, 35, 20) $txtAudio = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 160, 60, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtAudio, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblImages = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Images:", 245, 63, 36, 20) $txtImages = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 285, 60, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtImages, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblVideos = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Videos:", 370, 63, 35, 20) $txtVideos = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 410, 60, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtVideos, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblHistory = GUICtrlCreateLabel("History:", 490, 63, 35, 20) $txtHistory = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 530, 60, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetState($txtHistory, $GUI_DISABLE) $lblStartURL = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Start URL:", 0, 83, 50, 20) $txtStartURL = GUICtrlCreateInput("http://www.myspace.com/acidicchip", 55, 80, 490, 20) $btnStartStop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 550, 80, 50, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GUIClose") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnStartStop, "GUIStartStop") #endregion "GUI" Func GUIClose() Exit EndFunc ;==>GUIClose Func GUIStartStop() If GUICtrlRead($btnStartStop) == "Start" Then GUICtrlSetData($btnStartStop, "Stop") GUICtrlSetState($txtStartURL, $GUI_DISABLE) FileDelete("spider.urls.txt") GetURLs(GUICtrlRead($txtStartURL)) Do ;$url = $urls[1] $urlon = $urlon + 1 $url = FileReadLine("spider.urls.txt", $urlon) ;_ArrayDelete($urls, 1) $urlnum = $urlnum - 1 GetURLs($url) Until $urlnum <= 0 Or GUICtrlRead($btnStartStop) == "Start" ;Until UBound($urls) <= 1 Or GUICtrlRead($btnStartStop) == "Start" Else GUICtrlSetData($btnStartStop, "Start") GUICtrlSetState($txtStartURL, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndFunc ;==>GUIStartStop While 1 Sleep(250) Wend Func Status($action, $url, $percent) GUICtrlSetData($txtAction, $action) If $url <> "" Then GUICtrlSetData($txtURL, $url) GUICtrlSetData($prgPercent, $percent) GUICtrlSetData($txtPercent, $percent & "%") GUICtrlSetData($txtURLs, $urlnum) ;GUICtrlSetData($txtURLs, UBound($urls)) GUICtrlSetData($txtAudio, $audionum) GUICtrlSetData($txtImages, $imagenum) GUICtrlSetData($txtVideos, $videonum) GUICtrlSetData($txtHistory, UBound($collected)) EndFunc ;==>Status Func _ArrayParse($str, $before, $after) Return StringRegExp($str, "(?i)" & $before & "(.*?)" & $after, 3) EndFunc ;==>_ArrayParse Func AddURL($url) If Not WasCollected($url) Then _ArrayAdd($collected, $url) ;_ArrayAdd($urls, $url) FileWriteLine("spider.urls.txt", $url) $urlnum = $urlnum + 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>AddURL Func WasCollected($url) $return = False For $i = 1 To Ubound($collected) - 1 Step 1 If $collected[$i] == $url Then $return = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $return And UBound($collected) >= 1024 Then _ArrayDelete($collected, 1) Return $return EndFunc ;==>WasCollected Func GetURI($url) $uri = StringMid($url, 1, StringInStr($url, "://")) & "//" $turl = StringMid($url, StringLen($uri) + 1) If StringInStr($turl, "?") Then $temp = StringSplit($turl, "?") $turl = $temp[1] $temp = StringSplit($turl, "/") $uri = $uri & $temp[1] & "/" For $i = 2 To UBound($temp) - 1 Step 1 If StringInStr($temp[$i], ".") Or Not StringLen($temp[$i]) Then ExitLoop $uri = $uri & $temp[$i] & "/" Next If Not InetGetSize(StringLeft($uri, StringLen($uri) - 1)) Then $uri = StringMid($url, 1, StringInStr($url, "://")) & "//" $temp = StringSplit($turl, "?") $turl = $temp[1] $temp = StringSplit($turl, "/") $uri = $uri & $temp[1] & "/" For $i = 2 To UBound($temp) - 2 Step 1 If StringInStr($temp[$i], ".") Or Not StringLen($temp[$i]) Then ExitLoop $uri = $uri & $temp[$i] & "/" Next EndIf Else $temp = StringSplit($turl, "/") $uri = $uri & $temp[1] & "/" For $i = 2 To UBound($temp) - 1 Step 1 If StringInStr($temp[$i], ".") Or Not StringLen($temp[$i]) Then ExitLoop $uri = $uri & $temp[$i] & "/" Next EndIf Return $uri EndFunc ;==>GetURI Func GetURLs($url) $uri = GetURI($url) $file = "spider.html.txt" Status("Downloading", $url, 0) $filesize = InetGetSize($url) $lastsize = 0 $strikes = 0 InetGet($url, $file, 1, 1) While @InetGetActive If $lastsize == @InetGetBytesRead Then $strikes = $strikes + 1 If $strikes >= 30 Then ExitLoop $lastsize = @InetGetBytesRead Status("Downloading", $url, Round(($lastsize / $filesize) * 100)) Sleep(250) Wend $html = FileRead($file, FileGetSize($file)) FileDelete($file) Status("Parsing URLs", $url, 0) $tags = _ArrayParse($html, "<a", ">") For $i = 0 To UBound($tags) - 1 Step 1 Status("Checking <A> Tags for URLs", $url, Round(($i / (UBound($tags) - 1)) * 100)) CheckURL($uri, $tags[$i], $url) Next $tags = _ArrayParse($html, "<img", ">") For $i = 0 To UBound($tags) - 1 Step 1 Status("Checking <IMG> Tags for URLs", $url, Round(($i / (UBound($tags) - 1)) * 100)) CheckURL($uri, $tags[$i], $url) Next $tags = _ArrayParse($html, "<embed", ">") For $i = 0 To UBound($tags) - 1 Step 1 Status("Checking <EMBED> Tags for URLs", $url, Round(($i / (UBound($tags) - 1)) * 100)) CheckURL($uri, $tags[$i], $url) Next EndFunc ;==>GetURLs Func CheckURL($uri, $str, $ref) If StringInStr($str, "href=") Then $turl = GetAttr($str, "href=") If Not StringInStr(StringLeft($turl, 10), "://") Then If StringLeft($turl, 1) == "/" Then $turl = $uri & StringMid($turl, 2) Else $turl = $uri & $turl EndIf EndIf CheckType($turl, $ref) EndIf If StringInStr($str, "src=") Then $turl = GetAttr($str, "src=") If Not StringInStr(StringLeft($turl, 10), "://") Then If StringLeft($turl, 1) == "/" Then $turl = $uri & StringMid($turl, 2) Else $turl = $uri & $turl EndIf EndIf CheckType($turl, $ref) EndIf EndFunc ;==>CheckURL Func GetAttr($str, $attr) If StringInStr($str, $attr & '"') Then $temp = _ArrayParse($str, $attr & '"', '"') If UBound($temp) == 1 Then Return $temp[0] ElseIf StringInStr($str, $attr & "'") Then $temp = _ArrayParse($str, $attr & "'", "'") If UBound($temp) == 1 Then Return $temp[0] ElseIf StringInStr($str, $attr) Then $temp = StringMid($str, StringInStr($str, $attr) + StringLen($attr)) If StringInStr($temp, " ") Then $temp = StringMid($temp, 1, StringInStr($temp, " ") - 1) EndIf Return $temp EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetAttr Func CheckType($url, $ref) If StringRight($url, 4) == ".jpg" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".gif" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".png" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == "bmp" Then FileWriteLine("spider.images.log", $url & @TAB & $ref) $imagenum = $imagenum + 1 ElseIf StringRight($url, 4) == ".mp3" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".rbs" Then FileWriteLine("spider.audio.log", $url & @TAB & $ref) $audionum = $audionum + 1 AddURL(GetURI($url)) ElseIf StringRight($url, 4) == ".avi" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".wmv" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".mpg" Or _ StringRight($url, 5) == ".mpeg" Then FileWriteLine("spider.video.log", $url & @TAB & $ref) $videonum = $videonum + 1 AddURL(GetURI($url)) ElseIf StringRight($url, 4) == ".exe" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".zip" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".rar" Or _ StringRight($url, 4) == ".tar" Then ;Do Nothing Else AddURL($url) EndIf EndFunc ;==>CheckType
As you see it saves the .mp3 url(URL1) after that it tabs and saves the URL of the page (URL2). Is it possible to save the Page Title istead of URL2 ?