So, I'm playing around with things I can do. I wanted to make this app just do as it does for the most part, but make one function checking if I hit the close button. I wouldn't mind understanding a more simple way to do this, but the point of this is so that I can later on make a GUI app with multiple functions, that have pretty much one "controller" type that does a check of all the buttons, while the rest of the application can work. Maybe to be passed back to whatever function called it, I dont know if I can but, i'm attempting it.
; tests #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> global $msg, $x, $y $msg = GUIGetMsg() $x=500 $y=300 start() func start() GuiCreate("test", $x, $y) GUISetState() work() endfunc Func work() local $chk1, $chk2, $a, $b, $c Sleep(100) while 1 $c=(Random(25,475)) $b=(Random(25,275)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("test" &$a, $c, $b, 25, 25) sleep(100) monitor() WEnd EndFunc func monitor() ;trying to make this function check if I hit the close button if so close, if not return back to the other function. local $a, $b, $c while 1 Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GuiDelete() EndSelect sleep(100) work() wend EndFunc