Tried using ControlSend and it doesn't work, it acts like Send, eg, ignoring the handle.
I have a MDI form with a simple login. ControlSetText is putting the text in the right textboxes, but the application is not recognizing the text, "password" sould look like "*******" etc. And the okay button now says {space}
Here is a picture of what it looks like after I run the script.
Any way I can get this ap to recognize the keystrokes? Far as the program realizes, no text has been entered even though it appears. For example when I click the Okay button, it says, "You must enter in a user ID." even though it has "user" in the text box.
Here is my code:
I have a MDI form with a simple login. ControlSetText is putting the text in the right textboxes, but the application is not recognizing the text, "password" sould look like "*******" etc. And the okay button now says {space}
Here is a picture of what it looks like after I run the script.
Any way I can get this ap to recognize the keystrokes? Far as the program realizes, no text has been entered even though it appears. For example when I click the Okay button, it says, "You must enter in a user ID." even though it has "user" in the text box.
Here is my code:
#include <_EnumChildWindows.au3> Local $sMessage = "OKAY" Local $w, $sContent, $counter, $result Local $hWnd="",$hControl=0,$sTitle=0,$sClass=0,$aEnumList $w = Run("S:\PROG\util\proj.exe") $hWnd = WinWait("PROG", "", 5) Sleep(5000) $aEnumList=_EnumChildWindows($hWnd,$hControl,$sTitle,$sClass) $w = WinWait(get_handle($aEnumList, "proform", 1), "", 5) Sleep(1000) $hWin = get_handle($aEnumList, "JYACCmultitext", 1) ControlFocus($hWin,"","") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText($hWin,"","","user") Sleep(1000) $hWin = get_handle($aEnumList, "JYACCmultitext", 2) Sleep(1000) ControlFocus($hWin,"","") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText($hWin, "", "", "password") Sleep(1000) $hWin = get_handle($aEnumList, "Button", 1) Sleep(1000) ControlFocus($hWin,"","") Sleep(1000) ControlSetText($hWin, "", "", "{Space}") Exit 0 Func get_handle($aList, $sClass, $iIteration) Local $h For $i=1 to $aList[0][0] if $aList[$i][1] = $sClass And $aList[$i][3] = $iIteration Then $h = $aList[$i][0] EndIf Next Return $h EndFunc ; from _EnumChildWindows.au3 ;[0]|Handle|Classname|Control ID|Iteration|Title/Text ;[1]|0x001305F2|MDIClient|1|1| ;[2]|0x001D058A|proform|5000|1|USER LOGON ;[3]|0x0011056A|Static|0|1|AZTEC ;[4]|0x00100614|Static|0|2|COURT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ;[5]|0x00170628|Static|6|3|User ID: ;[6]|0x000B0654|JYACCmultitext|7|1| ;[7]|0x001505A4|Static|8|4|Password: ;[8]|0x002205C2|JYACCmultitext|9|2| ;[9]|0x00130686|Button|10|1| &OK ;[10]|0x002F0604|Button|11|2| &Cancel ;[16]|0x002105B4|msctls_statusbar32|59646|1| ;[17]|0x002B05B8|AfxControlBar42s|59419|1| ;[18]|0x000A0682|AfxControlBar42s|59422|2| ;[19]|0x00210606|AfxControlBar42s|59420|3| ;[20]|0x0016062A|AfxControlBar42s|59421|4|