hi there, i got a question :
is there a way to make a check of the kind of ''_IsPressed'' but that wouldn't take care of the ''fake key pressed'' by that i mean like when you send a mouse click from autoit,
i have also tried with GetKeyState and GetAsyncKeyStat but both had the same result
so in small word's it would only check for the mouse click that the person pressed himself not the one send by the script, and if the person pressed then do the rest of the script
i have checked and haven't found a post for this, but i found ''_WinAPI_setWindowsHookEx'' i actually don't understand it, i also checked for it in the msnd but still haven't understand
help would be appreciated
**Sorry for my bad english**
is there a way to make a check of the kind of ''_IsPressed'' but that wouldn't take care of the ''fake key pressed'' by that i mean like when you send a mouse click from autoit,
i have also tried with GetKeyState and GetAsyncKeyStat but both had the same result
so in small word's it would only check for the mouse click that the person pressed himself not the one send by the script, and if the person pressed then do the rest of the script
i have checked and haven't found a post for this, but i found ''_WinAPI_setWindowsHookEx'' i actually don't understand it, i also checked for it in the msnd but still haven't understand
help would be appreciated
**Sorry for my bad english**