I want to sign in this website : https://password.qq.com/
How to get the ID form , Password form and login button?
Here is the test ID & Password to try ↓
ID: 1463563741
PW: j1ce8M3Q
<div class="login_div style="center">
<iframe name="login_frame" frameborder="no" width="100%" src="/blank.html">
I can't find the code in the html...
Is Autoit Possible to sign in automatically ?
Need helps..
Thanks a lot
How to get the ID form , Password form and login button?
Here is the test ID & Password to try ↓
ID: 1463563741
PW: j1ce8M3Q
<div class="login_div style="center">
<iframe name="login_frame" frameborder="no" width="100%" src="/blank.html">
I can't find the code in the html...
Is Autoit Possible to sign in automatically ?
Need helps..
Thanks a lot