Hi everyone!
I'm pretty much new to the forum and to the programming world of AutoIt 3.
I tried to make a script that will help me do certain functions as I press a hotkey.
I defined a hotkey to start the function and another one to stop it.
Problem is that I can run the script only once and then i have to use the .exe file again
which is pretty much annoying.
Another issue that it occurred is that when I try to use more functions it won't work at all, only the first one is executed.
Here what I did so far:
What I'm trying to do is:
When I start the script I want to start each function whenever I need. Meaning: when I press key 1 function Start will do its job, when I press key 2 it'll stop. Thing is I want to be able to run it again without starting the script all over again.
Also I wish I could start all the functions in any order I please so that they could work in pairs or even simultaneous.
I know I've to do some loops here. I tried putting the whole block in a For, If, While block... it didn't work. I tried with ContinueLoop, failed as well.
If you people could help me it would mean a lot to me. Thank you very much for reading this post!
I'm looking forward to your answers!
I'm pretty much new to the forum and to the programming world of AutoIt 3.
I tried to make a script that will help me do certain functions as I press a hotkey.
I defined a hotkey to start the function and another one to stop it.
Problem is that I can run the script only once and then i have to use the .exe file again
Another issue that it occurred is that when I try to use more functions it won't work at all, only the first one is executed.
Here what I did so far:
[ autoit ]
Global $Paused HotKeySet("{1}","Start") ;script started by pressing 1. HotKeySet("{2}", "Stop") ;script stopped by pressing 2. HotKeySet("{3}","superclick") HotKeySet("{4}","superclickstop") HotKeySet("{5}","rumble") HotKeySet("{6}","rumblestop") $Start = False $superclick = False $rumble = False While 1 If $Start Then While 1 Send("{SPACE}") Sleep(100) Send("{SPACE}") Sleep(100) Wend Endif WEnd While 1 If $superclick then While 2 MouseClick("left",148, 585) WEnd EndIf WEnd While 1 If $rumble Then While 1 MouseClick("left",171, 294) Sleep(10) MouseClick("left",233, 293) Sleep(10) MouseClick("left",568, 470) Sleep(10) MouseClick("left",510, 614) Sleep(10) MouseClick("left",505, 664) Sleep(10) WEnd EndIf WEnd Func Stop() Exit EndFunc Func Start() $Start=True EndFunc Func superclick() $superclick=True Endfunc Func superclickstop() Exit EndFunc Func rumble() $rumble=True EndFunc Func rumblestop() Exit EndFunc
What I'm trying to do is:
When I start the script I want to start each function whenever I need. Meaning: when I press key 1 function Start will do its job, when I press key 2 it'll stop. Thing is I want to be able to run it again without starting the script all over again.
Also I wish I could start all the functions in any order I please so that they could work in pairs or even simultaneous.
I know I've to do some loops here. I tried putting the whole block in a For, If, While block... it didn't work. I tried with ContinueLoop, failed as well.
If you people could help me it would mean a lot to me. Thank you very much for reading this post!
I'm looking forward to your answers!