Here is the script
And when mouse clicks the image,it will pop up a new IE window
Then i need to save all images of the pop-up web.
Cause the title of the popping window is random,so how could i catch the pop-up IE window.
Thank your help......
;=============open IE with URL========================= #include <IE.au3> $sURL = "" $oIE = _IECreate($sURL, 0, 0, 0) $HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd") WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) ;====Maxmize IE window================================= WinActivate($HWND) _IEAction($oIE, "visible") _IELoadWait($oIE) MouseMove(147,680) sleep(1000) MouseWheel("down",60) Local $posArray = WinGetPos($HWND) If @error Then MsgBox(0,'you suck','') Exit EndIf Local $xCenter = ($posArray[2]/2) Local $yCenter = ($posArray[3]/2) ;MouseMove($xCenter,$yCenter) MouseClick('left',$xCenter,$yCenter) sleep(1000) WinActive("http://gi.esm")
And when mouse clicks the image,it will pop up a new IE window
Then i need to save all images of the pop-up web.
Cause the title of the popping window is random,so how could i catch the pop-up IE window.
Thank your help......