[ autoit ]
;_ReadSettings() - Reads all of the settings from the configuration file. If a value doesn't exist, the bot will ask for the value, save it, then proceed. Func _ReadSettings() $GameFolder = IniRead($SettingsFile, "GamePath", "Path", "") If Not FileExists($GameFolder & "\APBGame\Config\APBEngine.ini") Then Do $GameFolder = FileSelectFolder("Find the APB Reloaded install folder", "", 0, @program FilesDir) Until FileExists($GameFolder & "\APBGame\Config\APBEngine.ini") IniWrite($SettingsFile, "GamePath", "Path", $GameFolder) EndIf ;If the game's configuration file is not found, then your path name is incorrect. The bot will proceed to ask for the proper path until the proper path is given and then write the proper path into the configuration file.
I get FilesDir error:
Line 247
FilesDir^ ERROR
Error: Missing separator character after keyword.