I am having some trouble understanding where my formatting is wrong in this code, specifically with the _WordDocFindReplace parameters:
At runtime the error is actually occurring within the Word.au3 UDF. I'm not sure why it's saying there is an error in the expression, because I followed the example code here:
The error returned is:
Any assistance narrowing down where my error is here is greatly appreciated. Basically, I'm opening an existing document, executing a Find/Replace function to fill out a form, and then saving the resulting file back out.
;Open the letter template and fill out the form Local $myTemplate = @ScriptDir & "\templates\ Letter.doc" Local $oWordApp = _WordCreate("", 0, 0) Local $oDoc = _WordDocOpen($oWordApp, $myTemplate) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[TN]", $EspStatTN) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[USERNAME]", $EspStatUsername) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[PASSWORD]", $EspStatPassword) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[EMAILADDRESS]", $EspStatUsername) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[IPBLOCK]", $EspStatIPBlock) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[NETMASK]", $EspStatNetmask) Local $oFind = _WordDocFindReplace($oDoc, "[NETMASK]", $EspStatNetmask) _WordDocSaveAs($oDoc, @ScriptDir & "\Test.doc") _WordQuit($oWordApp)
At runtime the error is actually occurring within the Word.au3 UDF. I'm not sure why it's saying there is an error in the expression, because I followed the example code here:
The error returned is:
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\Word.au3 (749) : ==> Error in expression.: $return = .Execute($s_FindText, $f_MatchCase, $f_MatchWholeWord, $f_MatchWildcards, $f_MatchSoundsLike, $f_MatchAllWordForms, $f_Forward, $i_Wrap, $f_Format, $s_ReplaceWith, $i_Replace) $return = .Execute($s_FindText, $f_MatchCase, $f_MatchWholeWord, $f_MatchWildcards, $f_MatchSoundsLike, $f_MatchAllWordForms, $f_Forward, $i_Wrap, $f_Format, $s_ReplaceWith, $i_Replace)^ ERROR
Any assistance narrowing down where my error is here is greatly appreciated. Basically, I'm opening an existing document, executing a Find/Replace function to fill out a form, and then saving the resulting file back out.