Wondering if by using the new beta AutoIt if by using
I tried below but (again) missing the point
I know there are alternatives for analysing typelib but just wondering if this could work with objcreateinterface
$oTypelib=objcreateinterface($tp, $IID_TYPELIB, $tagITypeLib)you can analyse the typelib of a file
I tried below but (again) missing the point
;~ IID´s $IID_TYPEINFO="{00020401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" $IID_TYPELIB="{00020402-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ;~ Methods of interface ITypelib $tagITypeLib = "GetTypeInfoCount long();" & _ "GetTypeInfo long(uint;ptr);" & _ "GetTypeInfoType long(uint;ptr);" & _ "GetTypeInfoOfGuid long(ptr;ptr);" & _ "GetLibAttr long(ptr);" & _ "GetTypeComp long(ptr);" & _ "GetDocumentation long(int;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr);" & _ "IsName long(ptr;ulong;ptr);" & _ "FindName long(ptr;ulong;ptr;ptr;ptr);" & _ "ReleaseTLibAttr long(ptr);" ;~ The file where the type library has to be analysed $szFile="C:\Windows\System32\UIAutomationCore.dll" ;~ $szFile = FileOpenDialog("Open Type Library", "", "TypeLib Files (*.tlb;*.olb;*.dll;*.ocx;*.exe)|All Files (*.*)", 1) Local $oleAutDll = DllOpen("oleaut32.dll") ;~ Just load the typelibrary ;~ try 1 $tp = DllStructCreate("ptr") $result=DllCall($oleAutDll, "ulong", "LoadTypeLib", "wstr", $szFile, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tp, 1)) ;~ try 2 ;~ $tp = "" ;~ $result=DllCall($oleAutDll, "ulong", "LoadTypeLib", "wstr", $szFile, "ptr", $tp) consolewrite("LoadTypeLib result: "& $result & " error: " & @Error & @crlf) ;~ Try to get the object interface $oTypelib=objcreateinterface($tp, $IID_TYPELIB, $tagITypeLib) if isobj($oTypelib) Then consolewrite("We have the typelib object") EndIf
I know there are alternatives for analysing typelib but just wondering if this could work with objcreateinterface