How can i Get HWID?
How can i Get HWID(Hardwhere ID)?and save it in computer as a text file..........
View ArticleDecoding raw email messages with attachments
Is there anybody who has done this or knows how it can be done? I have many thousands of emails in raw text format, and I want to decode them, remove the attachments etc Any ideas?
View ArticleWeird and probably stupid problem with DirCopy
Hello everyone! I'm writing an installer for my application that does a backup at a certain point. I'm writing AutoIT code since 3 years, and I really can't figure out why this line doesn't work. [...
View ArticleHow to force a power down?
I've been troubleshooting my machine hanging intermediately after windows starts shutting down and I know that the source of the problem can be quite hard to determine. But before someone attempts to...
View Articlefile comparison
Hi all. Then I explain my problem, let's see if anyone has any suggestions. I have files that I prepare every day and load them on a site. From this site then I PCS (for precision 4) every day download...
View ArticleExact loop for second
Hi community Sorry if the title isn't explicative, i'd like to make 24 screenshot for second using the screencapture udf( like a video, but with images ) but i have some doubt like: Is possible to make...
View ArticleGet Link assoicated with javascript
I have a script that I use for downloading dozens of reports from our company internal website. The script uses IELinkGetCollection function to find all the links to the reports that I want to...
View ArticleDonwload with HttpSetProxy
Hello, to start i'm french guy ( i search a answer I can not find the solution on the french forum ) so excuse me for my english.... My problem is: I search a solution to include the HttpSetProxy...
View ArticleChange the styles of a window
I have been trying to change the style of a window such as notepad or ventrilo but, all I have managed to do is break the window removing title bar and borders and making clicks land on the program...
View ArticleUsing excel sheet to find values
Hey Guys, I was wondering if you can help me with my excel problem. But first i have to know if it is even possible because i don't know how far AutoIT goes in this. I have a application where i need...
View ArticleFTP Help - newbie!
Hello, Trying to see if I can -Open an FTP connection - Got it Grab the file named - hourlydata.csv ( need to use a wild card here as sometimes the file can have a name like hourlydata(1).csv or...
View ArticleAutoIt Desktop Shell
I started this a couple of months ago and figured that maybe others would like to contribute or just criticize whatever does it for you. I'm having to start from scratch and re-research everything...
View Articlefind the right admin
hello, i want to create a program that finds the right admin or an admin with password so i can run a program with administrative privileges, some of the computers has admin as administrator admin...
View ArticleCrypt.au3 problems?
Hi, guys. I'm testing the example from the documentation for the function _Crypt_EncryptData() and it gives an example that convert the string to RC4 with the password "CryptPassword". Converting the...
View Articlecalculation
Hi for all #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $Form1...
View ArticleSciTe - Console info after BUILD (F7)
I just guessing Why after BUILD script in SciTE, console is not focusing on last message displayed in console Now I must manually scroll down console output to see results (Exit code) Attached...
View Articlexml - problem
hello, i am using _xmldomwrapper and i have encountered a problem with my xml: xml is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Envelope xmlns:xsi=""...
View Articlepsexec working on only one machine
Hello I am trying to execute batch file on server from another computer. I tried to execute using PsTool. command as follow PSTools\PsExec.exe \\Serverip C:\FolderName\FileName.bat It worked...
View Articlescheduled task import .xml
Hi All. Me Make And Export Task. New Need Help For scheduled task import .xml . Line Check Only Run In Win8. IF @OSBuild >= 9200 Then @OSVersion = "WIN_8" Run(@SystemDir & "\schtasks.exe /Create...
View ArticleПомогите нубу - Help Newbie
Func Kits() While 1 Send("{9 down}") Sleep(500) Send("{9 UP}") Sleep(500) Send("{0 down}") Sleep(500) Send("{0 up}") Sleep(500) WEnd EndFunc Как остановить/запустить эту функцию...
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