How can i send a Command to "cmd"
I want to disconnect a WAN Miniport(PPPoE) i do not know about any methode in autoit that can do it.Therefore i decide do it via cmd. [ autoit ] popup$DELAY = 250 Run("CMD") Sleep(500)...
View ArticleQuestion about ERROR - Line Number, UDF File
I have passed my code to another co-worker and he said when he runs the script, he gets an ERROR on line 9544 - the problem, I have only 7100 lines in my script - I was wondering if there is a...
View ArticleDirectDraw for AutoIt
Hello everyone! I want to create DirectDraw Overlay for autoit. Can this be done? If so, how? I am sure that there is a lot of professionals who will be able to come up with something
View ArticleHotkeySet + Send a number?
I'm curious, am I being dumb or does this just not work? [ autoit ] popupHotKeySet("1", "_Test1") Func _Test1() Send("{1}") ; Tried with Send("1") as well. EndFunc While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd
View ArticleHow can i Erase/Empty/Clear the value inside a variable
How can i Erase/Empty/Clear the value inside the variable because the value of my variable keep on accumulating, i have an input box then it saves the value in a variable, and when i enter other data...
View ArticleInstaller
I have created a script with autoit which I intend to convert to exe. This script uses some resources: external programs, zip files, text files and so on. Is there an installer application for auoit...
View ArticleMouse courser orbit around object
Hi everyone, Im am brand new to the site, and have not used autoit in ages. What I am trying to accomplish is this: do a simple pixelsearch, and once the pixel (of desired color) is found, have the...
View ArticleNot receiving Return Value ( prob something stupid ive done...
Ok i made a function to find a default folder like this I call it like this [ autoit ] popupLocal $nMsg = 0 While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $button1...
View ArticleHow to MouseMove many times VERY QUICKLY
It seems that MouseMove has a delay between each MouseMove call. I'm aware of the speed parameter, which has been set to 0, so movement is instant. However even if I call MouseMove repeatedly within a...
View ArticleIf nothing happens x sec do
Hey, i would like to ask how to make script to mouseclick x, y coordinates on example: [ autoit ] popup MouseClick("left", 770, 321, 1, 0) ; Which command should i use before mouseclick? thanks...
View ArticleFile Path
Guys im using this Script to mail and attach file... [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup$SmtpServer = "" ; address for the smtp-server to use - REQUIRED $FromName = "" ; name from who the email...
View Articleget all links on a web page
I'm trying to write a script that gets all objects on a web page this should be straight forward if I use getting all links on a page and then expand to other object types. Can anybody help me by...
View ArticleGUI Freeze on POST
Hello, I've noticed that after calling a simple POST the GUI freeze for a few seconds, any way I can avoid that? Sometimes crash too, but it's very rare. [ autoit ] popup$oHTTP =...
View Articlesqlite which select must use?
hi guy i have a table with 26 column and 10 line i wanna extract the line number 5 which select must use ? in example i see only if i wanna estract all columns or specific column...
View Articlecontrolgettext
For some reason, I didn't find anything about this function in the autoit forum (if there is anything, please leave a link).I'm interested in its usage, as the example for this function doesn't really...
View ArticleGet router internal IP adress
Hello everyone, i have a little question, my search didn't give any results. It's about the router internal IP adress. For get Your internal IP adresse it's this : [ autoit ] popup$Internal=...
View ArticleAutomatically include the #include
Sorry for the stupid title but i don't know how to call it ( and how to search it ) I have three question based on the same subject FIRST If i have a script like: [ autoit ] popupIf...
View ArticleSciTE help - Functions to remain expanded/or not even after I close the window
Let me explain better.And Im 100% sure many have this problem and would be awesome if there would be a fix for this . So : In the SciTE script editor, if I load a big project, I want my source code to...
View ArticleListView Checkbox State
Hi guys, I have a problem with this: [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ListViewConstants.au3> #include...
View ArticleIE.au3 to launch a JavaScript function
Hello, I have the following HTML code and I'm using IE.au3 <a class="button" href="#support" button-click="follow()">click here</a> I want to click on the link and to launch the follow()...
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