GDI Screenshot + _WinHttp
Hi, What I would like to accomplish is to take a screenshot and upload it to a remote php file via _winHTTP. Previously, we were taking the screenshots and saving them to a network folder. However, we...
View ArticleImport Text to Excel
Currently I've been using short-cut key to import text: [ autoit ] popupWinWaitActivate("Book1 - Excel","") Send("{ALTDOWN}ddd{ALTUP}") WinWaitActivate("Select Data Source","") sleep(1000)...
View ArticleHaving an issue with RegEnumKey
I'm trying to get a list of all user keys under HKEY_USERS. I tried this and it didn't work: $i = 0 $x = "" $count = 0 While 1 $i = $i + 1 $x = RegEnumKey("HKEY_USERS", $i) If @error <> 0 Then...
View ArticleNoise generators?
I've been looking around for implementations of noise generators for autoit, but as of yet have had no luck More particularly, I'm looking for an x octave noise generator, but I haven't found any for...
View ArticleHow to overwrite the same line with ConsoleWrite ?
Can anybody, say me how to overwrite the same line with ConsoleWrite ? I saw her in a sample program where he use it for counter, but I don't retrieve the post with this program.
View Articleis it possible to build a Video player? mp4,flv,mpg exts?
Hey there! The objective is to find a way to play most common video types, searched the forum, but couldn't find anything. Anyone know something about this to point me in the right direction?
View ArticleOptimize GDI movement
Greetings AutoIt scripters! I wrote this little code, and it seems to me that sometimes the graph moves faster and sometimes slower. It seems that the graph is less complex moves faster. And the graph...
View ArticleHow to contine clicking by index.. after the first click.
I want to click on a link and go do some work.. line in a subroutine... but each time I cause the specific indexed link to click I assume its visiting the site in the same window i am in and is killing...
View Articlecapture RunAsWait output
How can i capture the output of Runaswait? Local $foo = RunAsWait($sUserName, $domain, $sPassword, 1, "C:\band7Deploy\PsExec.exe \\ -s -h -u CORP2\username -p password -c -v...
View ArticleHow to read value of static memory address?
Hey guys, I would like to know how to read the value of a certain memory address. I searched on the forums and googled around a bit, but could not find a clear answer. The address I need to read the...
View ArticleScite configuration files
I edited some colors through the SciteConfig tool, and would like to transfer those settings to a different PC (both running Win7). Where are those modified configuration files stored? I looked in the...
View Article[ASK] File Click and Drag
Dear fellow members, I would like to create a script that allow user to click and drag multiple files into it and then click a button to process those files. It also allow user to delete particular...
View ArticleGet script to ignore page title and act on the active window regardless of...
I'm trying to get a script to do the following: 1. Open Firefox Tools menu "{ALT}+t" 2. Open the Page Info sub-menu "i" 3. Move the focus to the MEDIA button "{RIGHT}" 4. Scroll down to select the 6th...
View ArticleEncrypting multiple pdf files
Dear all, I am new in scripting with autoit. I would like to use autoit to encrypt .pdf files which are stored in a folder and then save them by "Enable Commenting & Measuring" option. I have the...
View ArticleTwitter follower broke with API 1.1 getting 410 error
Hello all Having some issues with v1.1 Twitter API. I ported old UDF and after 3 successful follows I get 410 error. It is always 3 successes and then 410 Need help figuring out why and how to fix it...
View ArticleHow to exit in the loop
Hello guys, need some simple help here. Global $site = "" Global $up= Ping("") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") if $up = 0 Then $msg = GUIGetMsg() do $up= Ping("")...
View ArticleStore values into an array?
Hi Im using the below to count the number of times "o" repeats in my $string "olololololol" etc Now then I get the position of each one of those o's. But how do I store the positions into an array?? [...
View Articleblock CTRL+ESC
hey, id like to block the ctrl+esc (it brings up the startmenu as if i had pressed the windows key). does anyone know how to do this? thanks
View ArticleAny way to drag and drop multiple files at once?
I have a simple drag and drop script, i can drop files to a listview, and make them appear in it, but i wonder if its possible to drop multiple files, and how would it "read" them. [ autoit ]...
View ArticleGet Base address of process!
Hello I'm new on AutoIt and I would like find the base address of process. I have find in the multiple forum the same script to find this address, il EXACTLY that I search, but it don't work. :/ This...
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