Compiled .exe downloading with IE10 gives an error
I created a really simple script wich i have compiled with the Aut2Exe to an .exe file with the following options: /in for the .au3 file offcourse /out for the .exe output file /icon for the icon i...
View ArticleDo... untill expression
how to write the below expression in such a way that untill the notepad.exe exist getting the message box in regular interval Run("notepad.exe") Do MsgBox(0, "Datadriv at end of the file ",...
View ArticlePlease help me a little bit
Hello I am new in this programming language. I wanna know how can I create a program, which monitors that what program did the user start. For example: When I run xy.exe, then it writes into a file...
View ArticleConverting AutoIt-code to C#?
Hi, is there a tool that can convert AutoIt-code to C#? I know there might be some issues, but if that convert would be able to convert like 95% of the "standard" AutoIt-code to C#, I would be happy....
View Articlehelp me
how to make auto ... when the left mouse click automatically QQ depressed 2x script hotkey start and hotkey pause
View Articlewhy a "modal" web popup windows stops my script?
HI I am using IE.au3 to automate a web application. at one point of the script, a strange behaviour occurs as follow: I use the following code to wait that an object exists: Do ; waiting that an object...
View Articleinserting array data into Excel
Good afternoon. I am collecting certain GetFileVersion data in an array. It then needs to be written to an Excel spreadsheet. This process will happen for several iterations. My mind is fried, and...
View ArticleHow to use HTML tags in a rich edit control?
I am working on a script that loads data from a file and displays it with bold, highlighted etc. text. The text looks something like this "This is <b>bold</b> text and this is...
View ArticleCan an .au3 file be run with AutoIt3.exe without program files?
If I copied AutoIt3.exe to a server share, without installing it on the server, and had a logon script that ran it with .au3 file, would it work as it does when installed on a machine?
View ArticlePixelSearch without having exactly the good pixel...
Heres an example that I have made but it's really slow... Is there any other way that I can make it work faster ? (I am looking for a pixel over 10000000 [decimals colors]). AutoIt...
View ArticleWhat is the correct way to execute an AutoIt3 script in Java?
public static void runScript() throws Exception { try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\AutoIt3.exe\"",...
View ArticleWord 2007 files don't open
I'm a new user of AutoIt, and I'd like my first script to open a few files for me. I can open a .txt file and a .pdf file just fine, but when Word opens it can't find the file I've specified. Here's...
View ArticleCannot Open files from array
Hi, The files in the array cannot be opened. However, if I put the shellexecute outside the for loop, the first file will open when I exit the array.Thanks AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include...
View ArticleRS232 Commg problem.
I want to use com1 to com2 at the same time in same computer. 1.com1 send string abcde to com2 (At this time will receive com2 message) 2.com2 send string abcde to com1 (At this time will...
View ArticleHey Guys
Fine, I admit it, i'm a noob :3 Many people have been talking about Pixelsearch, Mousemove, and GUIs, so I have a few questions Heres a little code: $coord1 = PixelSearch(250,150,550,450,0xE8041F...
View ArticleSelect more than 1 items after the other
Hi, I am trying to select items with "Win" in its name. However, How about if it has to search texts with "History" AND "Win" at the same time? Thanks...
View ArticleHow you return to start of a program or ur code?
one more question how to return to beginning of a code? use return command?
View ArticleGUISetAccelerators keep taking Hotkey from child GUI
Hi I'm have code: main GUI with Dim $hGUI_AccelTable[4][2] = [["a", $Button1],["b", $Button2],["c", $Button3],["d", $Button4] GUISetAccelerators($hGUI_AccelTable) and the child GUI. But everytime I...
View ArticleOutlook - How to determine mail language
I have a PST which is an archive from an General Mailbox. Inside there are different types of mails in different languages: Some are HTML other TEXT , some in English other in French and German. I...
View ArticleEmbedd Radmin into Gui HELP!
Does anyone know how to embed a Radmin remote window into a gui? I can run the code but I am not sure how to embed it. Run ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Radmin Viewer 3\Radmin.exe /connect:" &...
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