Need some answers to questions
1. AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 615, 438, 192, 124)...
View ArticleRegEx Help Needed (find some text)
I have a txt file that contain something like this: blablabla blablabla blablabla Lock files: blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla !!autoit~~ //AUTOITaaa --autoIT//aaa blablabla blablbla blablba...
View ArticleClick toolbar button
Hi guys, It's the first time i need to click on a toolbar button, i have some difficulties This are the info: Class: MainClass >>>> Control <<<< Class: ToolbarWindow32...
View ArticleHelp with ReadOnly fields
Hi all, can anyone help plz... What command can I use to make a ReadOnly field editable? AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include <Misc.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include...
View Article"Re-Enable" a key
Hi guys, I have searched arond but i don't have found any solution I want to lock three keys, F1-F2-F3 for a external application, i have do this: AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include...
View ArticleClicking on links with random ID
Firstly I would like to say hello to everyone Secondly I have problem, I want to write script that will click on every link on site from table that has random ID, I debug it with DebugBar and I've...
View ArticleDebugger Error "Illegal characters in path"
I just got a Debugger Error "Illegal characters in path". I attempted to use the "Email Report" button but it refused to create and email message. I have been using AutoIt3 for over a year and have...
View ArticleHow can i protect my script ?
Hello, I just made an autoit script but i wanna make undecompilable for my script. is it possible ? i'll release it. so , i don't want to other user's steal my script with Exe2Aut.
View ArticleMonitor newly started processes
As the title says, I'd like to get informed when a new process starts. Here's my current code, but I've got no idea why it isn't working. Theoritically it should work. AutoIt expandcollapse...
View ArticleCompiled script doing self update on network share, IMPOSSIBLE?
I'm not sure if this possible, but who knows that I'm over thinking (again): I have a compiled script that I put on network share folder (it's stored at FreeBSD machine with SMB protocol). This...
View ArticleStrange MouseClick problem
So last night I wrote a script to find and image and click on, it work perfectly all night while testing. When I woke up this morning it not longer worked for some reason and I have no idea what...
View ArticleRun() issue.
hey everyone, thanks for stopping by:) sooo I have an issue, I'm writing an auto-starter for myself, when I start the script, I want it to run a few programs on its own. I'm pretty much done, except...
View ArticleCan't get clicks to work
I have tried SendPlay, ControlSend, and other such options and I can get the mouse cursor to move around just fine, but getting a click to actually register in certain windows is driving me crazy... If...
View ArticleMySQL UDF with W7 X64
Hi I developed a software autoit using MySQL UDF (of cdkid). The original development was done under Windows 7 x86 with ODBC 3.51.28 (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.28-win32) but I just switch to Windows...
View ArticleIE embedded border-radius not complying
I have IE 10 installed, so I assume the embedded is using the same. If I make a test html doc that has a DIV with inline style of "border-radius:8px 8px 8px 8px;" this radius works if I browse the...
View ArticleImage resize
I want to show an image on my gui, but my problem is that my image is 60 pixels high, but the gui where it should be shown is 600 pixels high. so the image is blurred and everything. Can I fix that...
View ArticleGetting info on nested frames and framesets?
Does anyone know how to get this code to get info on nested iframes? Basically iFrames within iFrames and framesets? Func _TestForFrames() _DebugSetup("Frames Check") Local $URL = $MainURL...
View ArticleGuiOnEventMode and multiple guis not working
So i tried using GuiOnEventMode, but when i made the SecondGui the buttons wouldn't respond. Is it like the functions can't be called since its in a function or am i doing something wrong ? AutoIt...
View ArticleVariable Scope Issues
I have been at this for over an hour and can't see anything wrong with the code...I have global variables declared yet variables WILL NOT UPDATE. Any ideas guys? AutoIt expandcollapse...
View ArticleVariable Scope Issues
I have been at this for over an hour and can't see anything wrong with the code...I have global variables declared yet variables WILL NOT UPDATE. Any ideas guys? AutoIt expandcollapse...
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