[Question] Cutting Div content from html page
Hello, i have the following question i am trying to extract the content from a specific div. i know that there is a command "_IEGetObjById($oIE, "divID")" but i end up with to much garbage because the...
View ArticlePC rebooter script not working on some of Win 7 machines
Hi All, I am getting an issue with one of our script in AutoIT, RunASWait command seems not working in some of the Win 7 machine. $Return=RunAsWait($UserArray[2],$UserArray[1],$Pass,0,@ComSpec & "...
View Article32-bit/64-bit programs?
Hi folks...This might sound stupid, but i have encountered programs that can run on 32 bit AND 64 bit systems...I know 32 bit can run on a 64 bit PC, but those spesific programs were ONE application...
View Article_IEGetObjByName warnings and code tweaking
With the help of a number of people on here I’ve managed to get my first script into a working state. Basically it reads a csv file of variables, pastes them one at a time to a web page whilst clicking...
View Article_IE capturing links
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/Bulletin/MS12-048 using this site as an example. I would like to capture the link in the table with the text: "Windows 7 for x64-based Systems Service Pack...
View Article_IE dealing with auto prompts
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=30225 navigating to the above link automatically prompts you to download the package, or you can cancel the initial prompt and click the...
View ArticleArray of struct to send through DllCall
Hi, I need to send an array of structure to a C function (compiled as DLL). All is ok if I try to send only this struct (DllStructCreate + DllStructSetData). At this time, my AutoIt code use a 2Darray...
View Articlelaunch scenario
Hi, By AutoIT, i want to click in a selection from a combobox with differents choices; but in the code source, i find only this : scenario = new Scenario(2645, "Reboot LIVEBOX", "Reboot LIVEBOX", 1,...
View Articletrouble reading file
Hi guys Trring to get screen data off a console app. Which I have successfully done and then I write that data to a file successfully. THen one I try to read the file it doesnt seem to work. I have...
View ArticleFibonacci..so slow by Recursion
Recursion ver. [ autoit ] popup$start = "" MsgBox(0, "",_fibo(40) &@CRLF &"Spend: " &TimerDiff($start) &" Sec") Func _fibo($f) $start = TimerInit() If $f <= 1 Then Return 1...
View ArticleWhat's the version of AutoIt's RegExp engine for PCRE
The lastest AutoIt is v3.3.8.1. What's version of its RegExp engine for PCRE?
View ArticleSOLVED - winmove in windows 8 does not appear to be working
I hate asking basic questions, however I have spent 2 days and hours reading the forums and trying everything I can think of and I am stuck. This whittled down simple winmove script works in XP and...
View Article$o_object.document.links.length ERROR
[ autoit ] popupC:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\IE.au3 (929) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.: Return SetError($_IEStatus_Success, $o_object.document.links.length,...
View Articlehelp with Hotkeyset pls
hi, im kind of new to autoit and recently i faced a problem, which i cant seem to solve. I wanted to make a script which allows hotkeys for a game im playing. the source is: -snip- tyvm Shadw139
View ArticleProblem with Pause script on start
Hi i writed simple script and i can't find how to start script stoped [ autoit ] popupMsgBox ( 4096, "xxx" ) SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\Windows Ding.wav", 0) Global $Paused...
View ArticleInetgetsource, but logged in?
hi guys, I'm new in this forum, it's nice to see how big it's the comunity! Well, this is my problem: I'm trying to download the html source of a website, the usual function would be InetGetSource, the...
View ArticleTrying to make script to see if Windows 7 is activated.
One of the simplest things I need to do, and I cant do it. All I need is a script that checks to see if Windows 7 has been activated. I looked through many of the WMI references from the website below...
View Article[ASK] How to click on a Flash Object in Internet Explorer
Hello Members, I'm going to create a script that sitting on the tray waiting for a Internet Explorer Window with specific title to appear and click on the flash object. When click the flash object, a...
View ArticleLearning the basics.
I found some code for a keylogger from someone who wanted to see if his 12 year old brother was watching porn (I don't know, that's what it said). Can someone explain what the commands in the code do?...
View ArticleIntercepting a Logoff, Shutdown or Restart
I won't even go in to the bone-headed move I pulled but for the first time today I realized a program I wrote more or less chashes out when the user logs off, shuts down or restarts. I have files open,...
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