How do you determine when #RequireAdmin is needed?
I have a general question. Is it possible to tell under program control when #RequireAdmin is needed? Specifically I can WinMove the Date and Time window without #RequireAdmin, however I cannot...
View ArticleClik on a pub adsense
Hello ! Hello I would like to click on a publicity with an invisible Web page, the problem is that, if I am in invisible mode, I do not arrive has to detect the element to click (pub adsense) Thank you !
View ArticleHow to copy the file?
Hi , I am new to autoit.I need some help. I want to run some files in command prompt. Can you give me some hint of how to take the files one by one from computer (for example c drive ) and run in the...
View ArticleSelecting excel cell
I ran into a little puzzle; Func selectCell() $Row = GUICtrlRead($locateRowInput) $Column = GUICtrlRead($locateColumnInput) $oExcel.Range($oExcel.Cells($Row, $Column), $oExcel.Cells($Row,...
View ArticleParse all includes in a script file.
I'm working on my "next project" and was wondering could someone test out the code below. It will basically list all the includes that are being used in a script file. Notice how it looks inside other...
View ArticleAutomating toolbar clicking
I'm new to AutoIt and am going through the tutorials. I've gone through the automate notepad example and its clear about opening notepad sending text to it, closing and saving. But what I'm not clear...
View ArticleAutoIT on Virtual Machine doesn't work
Hello All! I have tried the same script on two computers (Win Serv 2008 both) in RDP-session. On the one of them script works, on the another doesn't work! Command "Run" works and my application starts...
View ArticleCoverting MouseClick to MouseClickDrag
Hi all! I'd like ask a question to find ways or alternatives pretty much for my MouseClick section Do MouseClick("left", $x1, $y1) $x1 = $x1 + Random(0, Random(0, 5), 1) Until $x1 >= Random(450,...
View ArticleHow to check if my pc is 32 bit or 64 bit
Hi i have know read alot of the topics about this, and ppl are saying use @OSArch, or @ProssereArch, but non of them is in my AutoIt? can any one help me with a command, so i can check if my pc is 32...
View ArticleDriveMapAdd - Can't map a server
Hello everyone. I have a problem mapping a share with DriveMapAdd function. Here is a little piece of the code. [ autoit ] popuplocal $server = "\\print\NETLOGON" DriveMapAdd("X:", $server, 0,...
View ArticleZufällige Zahl in einem bestimmten Bereich erzeigen
Hallo, ich würde gerne eine zufällige Zahl in einem bestimmten Bereich erzeugen. Aus php ist mir die Funktion "str_shuffle()" bekannt. Gibt es so etwas auch bei AutoIt? MfG - Danke im Voraus Hab gerade...
View ArticleInputbox can't use pound sign?
Using inputbox to create a variable that will be typed into Twitter. If the variable contains the pound sign, or a hashtag (#), it isn't recognized.
View ArticleHow to wait for Finish button to appear and click it?
Here is my code, most simple code in the world! Run('MSIEXEC.EXE /I secureclientinstaller.msi') WinWaitActive("SecureAssess Central - SecureClient AAT") Send("!N") Send("C:\Program Files\SecureAssess...
View ArticlePossible to compare a graphically sector?
Hello, it deals with a problem that I don´t know the variable and maybe it isn´t possible to use for me... it´s a kind like an access on a 3rd party. Is it possible to compare a graphically sector(from...
View Article_AD_ListDomainControllers question
Hi - I use many of the AD.au3 functions regularly and usually have no issues however I am having difficulties with _AD_ListDomanControllers() if I compile the following and RunAs from a device on the...
View ArticleDeleting folders
I'm trying to delete all files and folders (names unknown) within a folder. I can delete the files of course, but don't know how to easily delete folders (without writing recursion routines or...
View ArticleScript stops before installation completes...
Hello gentlemen, I just got started with AutoIt so please forgive me if this is a dumb question. My background is more of DOS batch scripting but it has some limitations. Basically, the purpose of this...
View ArticlePowerPoint COM event handler initialization error
Hi, I'm getting this error while trying to initialize a com event handler for Office PowerPoint events. The PowerPoint file is displayed correctly, but no events are captured as the ObjEvent() fails :...
View Articleget control handle without controlID
Hey, struggling to get the handle of a control. I am trying to fill the login-form of an application that loads an IE frame inside a standard window. In “Autoit Window Info” the IE frame is listed...
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