Export data as .xls or .xlsx
I have a script that grabs data, processes it, and exports the results as a CSV. Cuz CSV is EASY. But it's only a 4-column CSV, and by default, Excel displays really narrow columns that need to be...
View ArticleMDI and Possible HTML type window??
I have an application (sorry it's an internal app so can't post pics etc) That has a pane with class "GuiView" it looks like the information is psuedo html viewer, i.e. it contains text and links to...
View ArticleLoad Ico-Image from DLL
Hi guys, I'd like to create a DLL with the resource of the script. So i'd like to include: 1) Icon 2) Image 3) Exe ( if it is possible ) I Have created the resource DLL with ResourcesViewerAndCompiler....
View ArticleWindows 7 says my Autoit GUI is not responding while its busy
I created a few applications in autoit to help with deploying new laptops to our company. Just recently, on several of our laptops, while Autoit is running an install using RunWait, windows will dim...
View ArticleSetting permissions on folder/file
Hello Guys ! I have a little problem, I create programm. And I need change permission to file, as example I wanna to change security tab permission to only read file, (Cant be run only read) Is that...
View ArticleNested If...Then..Else statements
Maybe my logic is flawed...but I am having trouble coding a function sort of like this... [ autoit ] popupIF aFunction() Then if FileExists("c:\path") Then if FileExists("c:\path1") Then;;; these...
View ArticleComspec and Windows XP
I know this has probably been answered before but I have tryed every availible resource to find a solution to this coding issue. I need to be able to run a program with command line switches which...
View Article_ietagnamegetcollection
hello i tried to scan my youtube videos name and length from youtube, so i found an ul tag which contain much li tag.. i used this formula to point li elements: $lis=_IETagNameGetCollection($ul,"li")...
View ArticleHelp converting letters to number
I was woundering how i would set this up: I a a varibale that has letters and numbers, the lenght of the variable can change. I was wanting to convert the letters to a number so it is all numbers. I'm...
View ArticleI need to make an aimbot for online game
Hello, I wanted to make a auto mouse move ( aimbot) for online game. Game's name is S4League. And enemies are RED colored. Bla bla , i can't make it cuz im beginner at autoit. Can some1 make a code for...
View ArticleHow to declare this?
[ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include #include #include Global $w=0 Global $l=0 GLobal $p="p" Global $z=0 ;some script HotKeySet("ß","kill") Global $res=0 Global $msg=0 Global $xs=0 Global...
View ArticleSaveing Only Visible Cells From Excel to CSV.
Short Version: How can you save only the visible cells of an xls as a csv? Longer Version: I have a large .xls file that contains some data spread over many sheets that I would like to make available...
View ArticleConverting from hwnd to string
I have this piece of code [ autoit ] popup$MapView = DllCall($hDll, [b]"str"[/b], "MapViewOfFile", _ "hwnd", $hFile[0], _ "dword", $FILE_MAP_WRITE, _...
View ArticleSelected filename to variable
Hi, I'm having a hard time to figure out how to put a selected filename into a variable. Can anyone help me?
View ArticleCountdown
I have a window [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup$hours = GUICtrlRead($Input1ausin) $mins = GUICtrlRead($Input2ausin) $secs = 00 If $mins <= 60...
View ArticleUIRibbon TLB IDL COM create INTFC based on IDL
Triggered on the threads on new controls in AutoIT like the Ribbon control I started reading a little and I am convinced the UIRibbon framework could be used from AutoIT but just a litlle bit of work I...
View ArticleFocus status of web object in FireFox
Hi, I need to be able to find out if the user has entered a specific textbox/area in a web form. I am not concerned with HOW he got there (whether it was by tabbing and/or clicking) - just need to...
View ArticleGuess Number
I don't know what wrong with my code is? When I start guessing, but it appeared "Must be in the Range of..." looping . I don't know what the problem with my logic is ? [ autoit ] expandcollapse...
View ArticleIf WinVista or later...?
Hello. Im looking to make an IF statement with condition "IF WinVista OR later...". I know I can write it like: [ autoit ] popupIf @OSVersion="Win_Vista" OR @OSVersion="Win_7" OR...
View ArticleForgot Autoit ;~ key
I use to presss a key to make the highlighted text as a comment (not code anymore). I cant find what this is called nor the key. When i look at my code it has ;~ next to all the times i did this,...
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