FileOpen detect already opened file
Hi Folks, I have a small GUI application that writes to a text file. This is basically the part of the script: [ autoit ] popup$fh = FileOpen("Test.txt", 9) ;Append at the end of the File and...
View ArticlePixelGetColor problems
hello all, I am new to autoit and am trying to write my own code My program is using the PixelGetColor function and it is returning some weird values when I am checking my values using :...
View ArticleReading TXT File Line by Line and putting in a TXTBOX
Hi, I'm new here and just started playing with AutoIt.. By reading some tut, I was able to create a simple script to open a particular website. Now my problem is how to: 1. Open a save txt file with my...
View ArticleDiablo II inventory 1x1 dropper
Well seen as how this is my first post i will get right down to the point. i used AU3Recorder for creating a script to eliminate the tedious process of dropping a full account of amulets or rings or...
View ArticleResize an image before pasting it into a word doc
Hello everyone, I made a simple script that paste an image into a word file in the A6 format. I want to resize the image, which is copied from a pdf, before pasting it into the word file, is it doable?...
View ArticleNeed some help with a testing script
Hello dear scripters, I was learning how to work with multiple gui's but the problem is when i open a gui and close it my previous gui doesn't work anymore i can't even close it? here is the code: [...
View ArticlePopulating GuiCtrlSetData with MSSQL output to array
Just done the googling and forum search, but couldn't find solution to my need. I'm having difficulties understanding arrays (yes I've read help file).. So I'm asking for help. Below is the code, I...
View ArticleDelete mutual values in two different arrays
I have two arrays. In both arrays are nearly all values the same, only a few are different. How do I compare these two arrays and delete all values who are found in the first and in the second?
View ArticleHelp with listview :'(
hallo everybody my first script i have a problem with listview When I put my information please help me! [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global...
View ArticleQuestion on array functions
Hi, I was not sure how to title this topic, so if you have a better title, feel free to rename it. Say, that I have this function: [ autoit ] popupFunc Pos(ByRef $Item) Local $Pos[2] $Pos[0] =...
View ArticleScript spawns multiple processes when compiled
Script seems to work fine when I run the au3. If I comple to exe it goes crazy. Before I added the wait, it would take down my system from memory usage. Help? [ autoit ] expandcollapse...
View ArticleGetActiveWindow() - does it exists?
I looked in the Windows section of the help file, and thought for sure someone would need something like this. Maybe, I missed it? Anyway, I have a script running, but everytime I show a popup box...
View Articlehow can i read from a Label, or option selection and verify if it is exists...
How can i read trough the HTML site and verify if for example M is there or not`? <strong>Size:</strong> <select name="spec_116" onchange="changePrice()"> <option label="M"...
View ArticleAutomaticaly click button
Hello guys, first i want to say i'm new in autoit scripting and sorry if my problem may be rude I want to automaticaly click a button on a window when the window appears. The window info is pasted...
View ArticleActivate Window
hello , i tried to get a Window in the foreground with [ autoit ] popupWinActivate("Shaiya") But it doesnt put it in the foreground. Some Help would be Great !
View ArticleRemovable Drives
Hello all Is it possible to open folders in a removable drive (i.e. an external Hard Drive), if so how?? Thanks
View ArticleMonitor autoit scripts with a webpage
I know this is not really related to an autoit issue, but I am hoping someone can help. I have several autoit scripts that monitor processes on servers, do pring requests and stuff like that. I would...
View ArticleWinActivate
i wanted to ask how ill get the Handle of a window which will be choosen by myself. To let it get activated by the script.
View ArticleEmbedding an INI in an executable
I have a program written that obtains user configurable settings from an ini. Unfortunately the user of this computer is also an administrator of the computer and as a result is changing the...
View ArticlePersonal Messenger
Hey, I've just joined this forum. I tried to pm someone but the PM says " Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" What should I do now? Thanks!
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