#include <String.au3> Global $iLength = 99999 ; change it to whatever, as long as it's longer than the insert point Global $iInsert = 65536 ; insert point 65536 => not working, and no @error. change it to 65535 => OK Global $s1 = _StringRepeat('a', $iLength) $s1 = _StringInsert($s1, 'b', $iInsert) ConsoleWrite( _ '@error = ' & @error & @LF & _ 'Length = ' & StringLen($s1) & @LF & _ 'Char = ' & StringMid($s1, $iInsert + 1, 1) & @CRLF)
issue is quite simple really, title and code above speaks for itself. i'm just trying to make sure i'm not missing the obvious before submitting a ticket.
issue exists in AutoIt v3.3.12.0 & v3.3.10.2, as well as latest Beta.
issue does not exist in AutoIt v3.3.8.1
there was a major rewrite of this function after v3.3.8.1, but it's now using StringRegExpReplace, which i'm not comfortable with.