hi guy i try to learn regrexp
i use regexbuddy
i want take a part of this code
<div class="contList" abp="100"> <ul class="unstyled" id="categoryList" abp="101"> <li class="btn btn-small gradient eleCat" abp="102"><a href="/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/MostraFiltri?catMerc=HE&codFamiglia=HE0" abp="103">CD PLAYERS</a></li> <li class="btn btn-small gradient eleCat" abp="104"><a href="/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/MostraFiltri?catMerc=HE&codFamiglia=HE6" abp="105">CD RECORDERS</a></li> <li class="btn btn-small gradient eleCat" abp="106"><a href="/b2b/Ricerche/FantaRicerca/MostraFiltri?catMerc=HE&codFamiglia=HE4" abp="107">CD/CASSETTE PLAYERS</a></li>
i try to use this expression for take
'(?i)abp=".+?"><a\n href="(*.?)"'
but tell me RegexBuddy does not yet support backtracking control verbs
and in autoit not run
some on can help me ?? thankz at all for patient