Hi i am trying to click on the next button in a setup that i need to use, only problem is it is not responding. Below the code and the info:
$TITLE = "Setup - Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard Driver for Windows 7/XP/Vista" $SUB = "Welcome to the Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard Driver for Windows 7/XP/Vista Setup Wizard" WinWait($TITLE, $SUB) If Not WinActive($TITLE, $SUB) Then WinActivate($TITLE, $SUB) WinActive($TITLE, $SUB) Sleep(100) ControlClick($TITLE, $SUB, "[ID:264262]") Sleep(100) ControlClick($TITLE, $SUB, "button1") Sleep(100) ControlClick($TITLE, $SUB, "TNewButton:1") Sleep(100) ControlClick($TITLE, $SUB, "TNewButton1") Sleep(100) ControlClick($TITLE, $SUB, "[CLASS:TNewButton; INSTANCE:1]") Sleep(100) ControlClick($TITLE, $SUB, "[CLASSNN:TNewButton1]") Sleep(100) Send("{enter}") Sleep(100) ControlSend($TITLE, $SUB, "", "{enter}")
I tried every way i could think of to click on the next button.
Probably a couple of stupid attemds but you cant blame me for trying.
Plain Text
>>>> Window <<<< Title: Setup - Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard Driver for Windows 7/XP/Vista Class: TWizardForm Position: 2219, 415 Size: 503, 389 Style: 0x16CA0000 ExStyle: 0x00010100 Handle: 0x00000000001F066E >>>> Control <<<< Class: TNewButton Instance: 1 ClassnameNN: TNewButton1 Name: Advanced (Class): [CLASS:TNewButton; INSTANCE:1] ID: 461326 Text: &Next > Position: 327, 327 Size: 75, 23 ControlClick Coords: 29, 14 Style: 0x54010001 ExStyle: 0x00000000 Handle: 0x0000000000070A0E >>>> Mouse <<<< Position: 2578, 782 Cursor ID: 0 Color: 0xE8E8E8 >>>> StatusBar <<<< >>>> ToolsBar <<<< >>>> Visible Text <<<< Welcome to the Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard Driver for Windows 7/XP/Vista Setup Wizard This will install Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard Driver for Windows 7/XP/Vista version on your computer. It is recommended that you close all other applications before continuing. Click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit Setup. &Next > Cancel
Hope you guys can point me in the right direction...
*EDIT*: After posting i see that the ID of the button changed, that is strainge and don't blame my wrong number in the script please