Dllcall from 32 bit compile not working on 64 bit
Hi all, Hope someone out there can help... I'm having a problem trying to get the following test script to work under windows 8.1 64bit when compiled as 32 bit. The 64bit compile works fine!??...
View ArticleInterlink two processes; if 1st is closed also kill the 2nd
Hey there, I'm curious if there's a possibility to interlink two processes. Is someone kind enough to help me writing this one? run iexplore.exe run program2.exe (program2 is already designed to...
View ArticleNot able to click on button in a setup
Hi i am trying to click on the next button in a setup that i need to use, only problem is it is not responding. Below the code and the info: $TITLE = "Setup - Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard Driver...
View ArticleCustom MsgBox Button Expansion
Hello, Please look the image below: Code: _MsgBoxEx(48, "Test", "Please look at the buttons", -1, -1, "Mr. Button, can you expand a bit?") I am using MsgBox UDF by Smoke_n Thanks in Advance, TD
View ArticleHow to set a cookie
I am trying to set a local cookie preferably without opening the browser window. I can see how to read a cookie but setting a cookie is not clear. #include <msgboxConstants.au3> #include...
View ArticleError : Variable used without being declared
Hello im new here and i dont have experience on autoit can somebody help me? So the problem is :Line 18 $sGuid = $sGuid[0] $sGuid = ERROR The ScriptAutoIt expandcollapse popup#include...
View ArticleHelp! Gui choose 2 skin
hi friends, I am trying to add on my form 2 skins for the User choice, by clicking on the first skin works as usual but when I choose the second skin does not work. Please help me ! Plain Text...
View Articleneed help about auto chat
guys, i need help about creating auto chat looping.. please help i try using notepad as a test, but i dont know how to loop after sending chat2 going to chat 1 again AutoIt expandcollapse...
View Articleusing AD UDF - is it possible to move a machine to a machine group
I see the ability to move a machine to an OU, but I am looking to add a machine to a machine-group. Thanks
View ArticleHandling dynamic amount of controls
I get a list externally and create a load of labels and input fields to match it. If that list is larger than the gui can handle, the controls are outside the bounds of the gui height. Wondering...
View Article[..] Icon in the Windows taskbar (for non-AutoIt windows)
Bonjour, Hello, My name is Glass Joe ! [FYI, I'm under Windows 7 Pro & Windows 8.1 Family Edition] I based my code on the WinSetIcon function brought to me by Mikell on the french AutoIt forum (...
View ArticleAppend to line in file
Hello! at once - sorry for my bad engilshi.. is my hmm.. second language. Ok, i have a problem: I must append to line in txt i.e (google translator ) i have in file: word word word and...
View ArticleFinding ComPorts by VID and PID
I have been using this function for years. I want to loop through all the ComPorts on a computer and return the ComPort of any port having VID 401 and PID 6003. This has worked forever but today I...
View ArticleSSDP to my Roku
i am trying to ping my roku to see if its online so i can send some remote commands to it via telnet... what i have so far is this BUT its not coming back anything: Plain Text expandcollapse...
View ArticleVLC media player recording automation
Hi. I'm new here! I have created a simple script to automate the process of recording an IP stream in VLC media player and it works! Now I have to find out how to stop the recording after the specified...
View ArticleReading line from file then matching it to a variable.
Hello folks, I have stopped writing anything in Autoit for more than 4 years now and am getting back into it to do some stuff for my son's lacrosse team. Any help for this forgetful old fart would be...
View Articleneed help with a FOR LOOP
i know this is simple but i cant seem to figure it out... here is my code : Plain Text expandcollapse popup For $s_idx = 1 To $search_things[0] If...
View ArticleExcel rangeread
$ar_array=_ExcelReadSheetToArray($arexcel,2) ;----from 2nd row $weekly_array=_ExcelReadSheetToArray($weeklyexcel,2,5) ;----from 2nd row and 5th col how to get the same effect by use...
View ArticleNeed Function Drag and Drop for AutoItx64
Func wm_dropfiles_func($hwnd, $msgid, $wparam, $lparam) Local $nsize, $pfilename Local $namt = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFileW", "hwnd", $wparam, "int", -1, "ptr", 0, "int", 255)...
View ArticleSending three keys at once with Send()
I'm trying to have a script hit: alt + shift + k This is what I have and it isn't working HotKeySet("!q", toTableOfContents) HotKeySet("!w", toSelectedTab) func toTableOfContents() Send("!+k")...
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