i know this is simple but i cant seem to figure it out...
here is my code :
Plain Text
For $s_idx = 1 To $search_things[0] If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($search_root & $search_things[$s_idx]), 'D', 0, 1) Then $href = StringEncrypt(1, 'SandelPerieanu|' & StringLeft($search_root, StringInStr($search_root, '\', 0, -1) - 1) & '|' & $search_root & $search_things[$s_idx], $pass_encrypt) $s_dirs &= '<a class="padding1" href="folder-' & $href & '"><img align="middle" hspace="10" border=0 height="28px" width="28px" src="filefolder.png"><b>' & $search_things[$s_idx] & '</b></a><br>' & @CRLF Else $files = $search_things[$s_idx] Local $folder2check = $search_root Local $vidType = "*.flv" Local $FileList = _FileListToArray($folder2check , $vidType, $FLTA_FILES, True) If @error Then ; display nothing Else For $i = 1 To $FileList[0] $okFiles = GetFileName($FileList[$i]) ConsoleWrite("this is the files allowed : " & $okFiles & @CRLF) $href = StringEncrypt(1, 'SandelPerieanu|' & $search_root & $okFiles, $pass_encrypt) $s_files &= '<a class="padding1" href="file-' & $href & '"><img align="middle" hspace="10" border=0 height="28px" width="28px" src="file.png"><b>' & $okFiles & '</b></a><br>' & @CRLF Next WEnd EndIf EndIf Next
Just trying to only show certain files NOT all file extension, no need to show windows files etc...
well it works BUT because of the for loop it is showing the files more than once, i have been stuck on this for a few hours and not sure how else to get the correct files with out a for loop inside the other loop. any ideas?
Obvisously only want to display the files once this code starts about line 360