Please help me....
My batch command>>>>>
Plain Text
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion COLOR 0A mode con:cols=81 lines=20 cls echo harryKumar >> log.txt echo ^|%date% -- %time%^| >> log.txt mkdir upx cls echo __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ echo upx echo --- echo Option echo ------ echo 01 UPX (input exe,dll 'UPX' folder output 'UPX' folder) echo 02 Quit echo __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SET /P menunr=Please make your decision: IF %menunr%==01 (goto UPXP) IF %menunr%==02 (goto quit) :WHAT echo You went crazy and entered something that wasnt part of the menu options PAUSE Start.bat SET /P menunr= Start.bat :UPXP cls other\upx.exe -9 -f -k UPX\*.exe >> log.txt cls other\upx.exe -9 -f -k UPX\*.dll >> log.txt cls Start.bat